Experts asked to assess strategic threats to UK as part of defence review | Defence policy

The military, government departments, manufacturers and academics have been asked to assess strategic threats to the UK up to 2050 as part of a fundamental review of the Government's defence policy.
George Robertson, who served as NATO secretary general and defence secretary in Tony Blair's first government, sent a 24-page questionnaire to dozens of stakeholders on the future of Britain's defence.
Keir Starmer has commissioned Sir Robertson to set out a roadmap for keeping the country safe as Britain confronts global threats head on, and leaders across Europe recognise the need to boost defence spending to be ready for the ongoing threat from Russia.
Robertson is using his expertise to think about how to leverage Britain's capabilities and funding.
In a letter to respondents, he wrote that the threats facing the UK were growing and diverse, including war in Europe, conflict in the Middle East, states acting in ways that threaten regional and global stability and our values and interests, terrorist groups, hybrid attacks and instability caused by climate change, the Guardian has seen.
The findings of his independent review are due to be published in the first half of 2025 and will feed into the Ministry of Defence (MoD) strategy.
Labor has pledged to increase defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030, and Robertson said his review would look at the roles, capabilities and reforms needed to address the challenges, threats and opportunities arising along that spending path.
One of the questions is how Britain should contribute to Ukraine at least until 2027.
According to Ministry of Defence figures, the UK has provided $7.6 billion in military aid since the Russian invasion in February 2022, and Starmer has pledged to maintain $3 billion in military support annually until 2030-31, and more if needed.
Robertson also asked respondents to take a long-term view, describing the strategic threats and operational context for UK defence from now to 2050, and proposing priorities for the role UK defence should play from 2024 to 2040.
His review board includes British-born Fiona Hill, a former adviser to the US president and member of the National Security Council, and former British Joint Forces Commander Sir Richard Barron.
Respondents were also asked about the UK’s defence industry and how it could support and accelerate inward investment, innovation and export growth.
The questionnaire does not specifically mention the EU, although Foreign Secretary David Lammy declared in July that the UK would pursue a wide range of security arrangements. However, it does ask how the UK defence sector could build relationships with allies, partners and partners.
The vulnerability of Europe to the post-Cold War decline in ammunition production was underscored by shortages experienced in Ukraine last year, which prompted the Czech Republic to pursue initiatives to procure ammunition from outside the EU.
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Perhaps bearing in mind the UK’s training of Ukrainian military personnel ahead of the delivery of F-16 fighter jets, Question 15 considers how the best distinction might be made between UK Defence and its allies and partners in terms of individual and collective education and training.
Defense respondents were asked how they could expedite the process of restoring all married and single-family housing to a level acceptable to the military.
Each service is asked to review its culture, organization, training, and institutional habits. They are also asked to describe how they can strengthen the imperatives of modern warfare and make recommendations for modernization.
A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: Our priority is to make the UK safe at home and strong abroad for decades to come.
The Strategic Defense Review will examine the threats we face, the state of our military, and identify the capabilities we need to address those threats.
This review has consulted widely with defence stakeholders, including industry partners, and recognises the need for a strong defence sector and resilient supply chain across the UK.
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