UK quantum community expresses concern over Labour’s deep tech funding cuts

Insider Briefing
Concerns about the UK’s quantum computing leadership have been raised after the Labour government withdrew $1.3 billion in funding for deep learning projects that the Conservative government had initially promised. Industry leaders have warned that the funding cuts could force tech companies to seek investment overseas, undermining the UK’s position in deep learning. The decision underscores the importance of continued government support, with trade bodies and business calling for new proposals to ensure the UK remains competitive in key technology industries.
The UK’s fledgling quantum computing sector could face funding problems after the Labour government decided to pull $1.3 billion from quantum, artificial intelligence (AI) and other deep-tech projects, according to industry leaders and several media outlets.
Originally promised by the previous Conservative government, the money was meant to boost critical technology infrastructure, including an 800 million exascale supercomputer at the University of Edinburgh and $500 million for AI research resources, media sources reported. However, the Department for Science, Innovation and Skills (DSIT) clarified that the money had been promised but never formally allocated in the budget, according to the BBC report.
Phasecraft, a leading UK quantum computing startup, is among those raising concerns. Co-founder Ashley Montanaro told Tech.EU that the decision could lead tech companies to seek investment and opportunities abroad.
Montanaro told Tech.EU that for companies like ours, the stability of funding and the assurance that it will be available after the announcement is very important. I think we are seeing more and more companies like ours setting up international offices and going where the level of support, excitement and enthusiasm for quantum matches their ambitions.
The previous Conservative government pledged to invest $2.5 billion over 10 years as part of a quantum strategy that would position the UK as a world leader in the sector.
Montanaro told Tech.EU that the UK government has been very supportive of quantum for many years. Clearly, we think this is a good thing for the UK. But the sudden change in policy under the new administration has raised concerns that the UK’s quantum leadership could be weakened without continued government support.
The impact of the funding cuts is expected to reverberate across the wider tech industry. Trade body techUK has criticised the decision, with a spokesperson saying the UK risks being overtaken by other countries that are increasingly investing in deep tech sectors. Tech founder Barney Hussey-Yeo echoed these concerns in a post on X, warning that cutting investment could push more entrepreneurs to the US. According to the BBC, entrepreneur Chris van der Kuyl described the government’s move as “foolish.”
Phasecraft’s response to the uncertain funding environment has been proactive. Earlier this year, the company opened an office in Washington, D.C., to tap into the rich quantum talent pool in the U.S. The new office, led by former Amazon research scientist Steve Flammia, has already drawn strong interest from quantum computing professionals. Montanaro noted that Phasecraft received more than 50 job postings the day it announced its U.S. expansion, highlighting the high demand for specialized skills in this area.
For some companies, 50 might not seem like a big number, but in quantum computing, which is a very specialized field, it's a pretty big number, he told Tech.EU.
Montanaro said Phasecraft is looking to expand internationally in the future, including opening new offices in Europe and Australia.
Montanaro told Tech.EU that the U.S. is a global hub for quantum computing talent, and Phasecrafts’ global growth strategy will focus on areas where there is strong government and industry support for quantum technologies.
The Labour government’s decision to end funding has highlighted the importance of continued investment in deep tech.
“If the UK wants to remain the absolute world leader in quantum, the government needs to support it,” Montanaro added. With the tech industry demanding new proposals, the UK government is under pressure to navigate these challenges and maintain the country’s position at the forefront of innovation.
If you are part of the UK quantum community and would like to comment on the potential funding cuts, we are collecting responses. Please email matt at thequantuminsider dot com.
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