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US supply ship Big Horn runs aground off Oman as supply ship supports USS Lincoln strike group

US supply ship Big Horn runs aground off Oman as supply ship supports USS Lincoln strike group
US supply ship Big Horn runs aground off Oman as supply ship supports USS Lincoln strike group


The U.S. Navy's only oil supply ship serving with the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, deployed to the Middle East to support Israel in its ongoing war with Hamas and rising tensions between other Iranian-backed groups, ran aground Monday off the coast of Oman. U.S. officials told CBS News national security correspondent Charlie D'Agata that the damage to the USNS Big Horn was severe enough to cause the ship to partially flood, and that it was being escorted by tugboats to port for a full assessment.

The Big Horn is a type of ship called a “tanker,” which carries fuel and other vital supplies to ships and aircraft deployed in a strike group.

No injuries were reported, no other ships were directly hit, and there was no sign of fuel leakage from the Big Horn, but she was the only Navy oiler immediately available in the area to support the Lincoln and her fleet of battleships, escort ships, and aircraft.

The Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet replenishment oiler USNS Big Horn sails alongside the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln during a replenishment-at-sea operation, Sept. 11, 2024, in a photo released by the U.S. Navy. Handout/U.S. Navy

Navy officials have not confirmed the authenticity of the video posted online this week showing the ship taking on water. The incident is under investigation.

The Big Horn ran aground after a recent resupply mission, with photos released by the U.S. military showing sailors aboard the Lincoln receiving supplies from the tanker on September 5, while another from September 11 showed the Big Horn alongside the Lincoln.

The Lincoln and its associated Navy ships patrol the Arabian Sea in support of Israel and protect U.S. assets in the region. It has played a role in the joint U.S.-British operation to deter Yemen’s Houthi rebels from targeting commercial and military shipping in the region, including in vital Red Sea shipping lanes. The Houthis, who are backed by Iran as is Hamas, see their attacks on the ships as a way to support the Palestinians amid Israel’s war against Hamas.

Numerous airstrikes by US and British ships and aircraft in the region against Houthi targets in Yemen have failed to stem the missile attacks on the ships.

Although the Lincoln itself is powered by a nuclear reactor, its strike group has ships that run on fossil fuels that must be refueled at sea. The planes aboard the Lincoln also require jet fuel. The Big Horn and other similar ships provide other supplies as well.

In this photo provided by the U.S. Navy, the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, left, the British Royal Navy air defense destroyer HMS Defender and the guided-missile destroyer USS Farragut are seen transiting the Strait of Hormuz, Nov. 19, 2019. Document/US Navy

The U.S. official called the damage to the supply ship a drawback but said the fleet could continue to operate without it. The destroyers in the strike group can refuel in port, and they can carry aviation fuel to the carrier to power the fighter and surveillance planes on board.

Tankers like the Big Horn typically have about 80 civilians and five military personnel on board.

The incident comes amid well-documented concerns about the availability of U.S. Navy resources as it faces growing global threats, not only with the growing tumult in the Middle East but also as China seeks to assert itself militarily in the contested waters of the South China Sea and around Taiwan.

Labor shortages at shipyards, which have led to delays in ship production and maintenance, combined with shifting defense priorities, last-minute design changes and cost overruns, have all contributed to putting the U.S. Navy behind China in terms of the number of ships at its disposal.

The Navy's shipbuilding industry is currently in “a terrible state” — the worst in a quarter-century, officials say

Eric Labs, a longtime naval analyst at the Congressional Budget Office, told The Associated Press in August that the U.S. Navy's shipbuilding industry was in “terrible shape,” largely because of a shortage of shore-based workers, adding that he didn't “see a quick and easy way out of this problem.”

Israel and Hamas at war More More




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