The safest (and most dangerous) cities in the United States
In a new report on the safest cities and states in the United States, Vermont was named the safest state, while South Burlington was named the safest city and Burlington was named the fourth safest city. Pictured here: Church Street Market in Burlington, Vermont.
What are the safest cities in the United States? With more than 430 mass shootings in the United States, nearly 14,000 Americans lost to gun violence, nearly 29,000 motor vehicle-related deaths across the country, and $24 billion in climate disasters alone In 2024, it's no wonder that safety is a priority for many Americans, whether they're looking for a place to travel or a place to live.
To address these concerns, WalletHub released a new report on the safest cities in the United States, as well as the safest states, providing a data-driven overview of where Americans are best protected from physical, financial and environmental threats.
When people think about safety in a city, their minds probably immediately turn to things like crime rate, automobile fatality rate or natural disaster risk, said Chip Lupo, an analyst at WalletHub, in a press release. But America's safest cities go beyond protecting residents from bodily harm and property damage. They also work to ensure the financial security of citizens, ensuring lower rates of identity theft, unemployment and housing instability.
To determine the ranking, WalletHub compared more than 180 U.S. cities and all 50 states on 52 security measures. The analysis looked at factors such as violent crime rates, traffic safety, financial stability, vulnerability to natural disasters, and more. Each city and state was rated on three key dimensions: home and community safety, natural disaster risk, and financial security. Scores were weighted to reflect the relative importance of each factor.
The safest cities in the United States
Topping the list of safest cities in America is South Burlington, Vermont. Located along the shores of Lake Champlain, South Burlington is known for its scenic landscapes, parks like Overlook and Red Rocks, and its proximity to Vermont's Green Mountains. The city has a low crime rate, ranking ninth on the list in home and community safety. South Burlington also has the lowest pedestrian fatality rate in the country and the 13th lowest percentage of uninsured motorists. Financial security is also a strong point: With a low national unemployment rate of 1.9%, South Burlington residents are at less risk of financial hardship, enjoying one of the lowest mortgage rates under -assessed and non-commercial bankruptcies per capita. And the risk of natural disasters, from floods to wildfires, is low. The neighboring town of Burlington, Vermont also ranked well on the list, coming in at number four.
Casper, Wyoming has been named the second safest city in the United States.
Coming in second on the list is Casper, Wyoming, a city known for its wide-open spaces and outdoor recreation. Casper scores high on pedestrian and neighborhood safety. The pedestrian fatality rate is one of the lowest in the country. It also does well on crime. It's the second safest city to walk alone at night and the fourth safest to walk alone during the day, according to a recent Numbeo study, and it has the 32nd lowest serious assault rate in the country. Casper's low fraud risk, with the fewest identity theft complaints and the second lowest number of fraud complaints per capita, adds to its high security rating.
Warwick, Rhode Island, rounds out the top three safest cities in the United States. The riverside city, not far from Providence, is known for its exceptionally low crime rates and proactive community safety efforts. Warwick has the fewest murders and aggravated assaults per capita, as well as one of the lowest rates of theft. Residents also benefit from favorable conditions in terms of financial security, with low levels of poverty and high employment rates.
While many cities have successfully created safe environments, others face ongoing challenges, grappling with high crime rates and security risks that impact physical and financial well-being. New Orleans ranks at the bottom of the list of safest cities, followed closely by another Louisiana city: Baton Rouge. The five least safe cities are Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Detroit and Memphis.
New Orleans has been named the least safe city in a new report.
Getty Safest States in America
In WalletHubs state rankings, Vermont is named the safest state in the United States for 2024. Nearly 77% of Vermont parents say they feel safe in their community. With a strong job market, Vermont's 2.1% unemployment rate is one of the lowest in the nation, supported by the state's overall economic stability, which includes the lowest percentage of substandard mortgages. marines and the second lowest number of identity theft complaints per capita. Vermont's commitment to road safety is also notable, with the seventh fewest traffic fatalities per 100 million miles traveled.
New Hampshire has been named the second safest state in the United States. Pictured here: Fall in Lake Winnipesaukee.
New Hampshire ranks as the second safest state on the WalletHub list, largely due to its low rates of violent and nonviolent crime. New Hampshire holds the record for the fewest mass shootings over the past two years, and it also has the second-highest number of murders per capita in the country. Additionally, more than 78% of New Hampshire residents report feeling safe in their neighborhood (the highest rate in the nation). Financially, the state is also strong, with low unemployment and the lowest poverty rate in the country.
Maine is the third safest state. Maine has low crime rates, ranking second for aggravated assault and third for theft per capita. The country excels in both financial stability and job security, with one of the lowest unemployment rates and the third-best job growth rate in the United States. Additionally, Maine has the third lowest number of non-business bankruptcy filings per capita.
While some states excel at protecting their residents, others face challenges in various security categories. Louisiana is the least safe state in the United States by 2024, largely due to its high crime rate, financial instability and vulnerability to natural disasters. Louisiana is followed closely by Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas and Florida, each of which is experiencing elevated risks in categories such as violent crime, financial insecurity and environmental threats.
Read on for lists of the safest cities in the United States in 2024, as well as the safest states. You can compare this to past rankings like the 2023 list of America's safest cities. You can also get more details in the original WalletHubs reports.
A view of Lake Champlain. South Burlington, which overlooks Lake Champlain, has been named the safest city in the United States.
getty ranking: The 25 safest cities in the United States South Burlington, Vermont Casper, Wyoming Warwick, Rhode Island Burlington, Vermont Boise, Idaho Yonkers, New York Cedar Rapids, Iowa Columbia, Maryland Portland, Maine Virginia Beach, Virginia Irvine, California Fargo, North Dakota Chesapeake, Virginia Missoula, Montana Nashua, New Hampshire Juneau, Alaska Vancouver, Washington Honolulu, Hawaii Madison, Wisconsin Huntsville, Alabama Laredo, Texas Sioux Falls, South Dakota Chula Vista, California Fremont, California Glendale, California
Vermont has been named the safest state. In the photo here: the Montpellier skyline.
Getty Ranked: Safest States in America Vermont New Hampshire Maine Massachusetts Utah Hawaii Connecticut Minnesota Rhode Island Wyoming Idaho Indiana Iowa Arizona Virginia Maryland New Jersey Washington Wisconsin Delaware Kentucky Oregon North Carolina New York Alaska Michigan North Dakota Pennsylvania South Dakota South West Virginia Illinois Ohio New Mexico Nebraska Kansas Nevada California Montana Missouri Tennessee South Carolina Georgia Colorado Alabama Oklahoma Florida Arkansas Texas Mississippi Louisiana MORE FROM FORBES: ForbesThe 15 Safest Countries to Travel, Ranked in New ReportBy Laura Begley BloomForbesThe 25 Safest Cities coolest in the US and Canada, ranked in new reportBy Laura Begley Bloom
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