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UK borrowing costs have soared, but this is not a repeat of the 'small budget', economists say.

UK borrowing costs have soared, but this is not a repeat of the 'small budget', economists say.


LONDON Britain's borrowing costs rose after the Labor government announced a massive borrowing and tax rise package in Wednesday's budget, but analysts downplayed the possibility of a second “mini-budget” crisis in UK bond markets.

The yield on the 10-year gold bond, which measures the government's medium-term borrowing costs, fell slightly at 2:45pm London time on Friday. But it was still more than 4.4% higher than Wednesday's budget, which was about 4.3% ahead. The yield on two-year gold notes rose from about 4.2% on Wednesday to 4.414% in Friday's session.

Yields move inversely to prices, so higher yields signal an aversion to selling bonds and raising UK debt.

Along with an estimated $40 billion tax increase Wednesday, Treasury Secretary Rachel Reeves announced a much larger increase in short-term borrowing than many economists had expected. Reeves said these measures are needed to bring the budget back into balance with day-to-day spending while investing in public services and infrastructure. Many of her plans were made public in advance so they could influence the market.

But even though many macro conditions have changed, such as a significant cooling in inflation, traders remain nervous given the UK's recent bond movements have been volatile. Former Prime Minister Liz Truss was widely criticized for causing market turmoil by announcing a significant increase in borrowing to finance tax cuts in the autumn of 2022 without prior warning. The event caused bond yields to soar that they risked destabilizing pension funds.

In a note analyzing this week's budget, some economists suggested the scale of fiscal expansion announced by Reeves would lead to slightly higher inflation and slow the Bank of England's rate cuts. Others argue that the BOE will ease monetary policy at the same rate, taking into account lowering the level of services inflation.

Debate also ensued over how much her policies would boost economic growth, a key goal of the Labor government. The Office for Budget Responsibility, a government-funded but politically independent body, revised upward its short-term growth forecast for Britain but lowered its longer-term outlook in a five-year outlook published on Wednesday.

Apart from a short-term stimulus, the budget is unlikely to deliver significant growth benefits until five years out, according to Deutsche Bank strategists.

Susannah Streeter, head of funds and markets at Hargreaves Lansdown, said the rising risk premium on UK debt was not just due to investor concerns about inflationary budgets.

“It's also a concern about where all this additional investment spending is going to go and how responsible the government will be in spending that money. So the risk premium is back to some extent in the U.K.,” Streeter said on CNBC's “Squawk.” said. ‘Box Europe’ will be held on Friday.

“It’s nothing like what we saw in the Trussonomics mini-budget when the spike was really high after the unfunded tax cuts were implemented,” she continued.

“You know, it's a big tax and it's a big spending budget, so there's that extra fatigue. [so] Will the government be careful about implementing its strategy? And I think that’s what bond investors want to see.”

gain ease

As in the aftermath of the Truss mini-budget, the British pound initially fell against the US dollar and the euro, but not to the same extent. Sterling rebounded modestly on Friday, rising 0.5% against the dollar to trade at around $1.296.

Kyle Chapman, a foreign exchange analyst at Ballinger Group, said U.S. gold bond yields appeared to have taken some signals on Friday, when bond yields fell for the first time after a weaker-than-expected jobs report appeared to support more aggressive interest rates from the Federal Reserve. wound.

Jane Foley, head of FX strategy at Rabobank, told CNBC that whatever the cause, Treasury Secretary Reeves will be relieved that gold yields are down from Friday's highs.

“However, it is still on the rise and it may take several sessions for the UK asset market to properly recover,” she told CNBC.

“If UK investors are able to take some of the lead in US markets, it could be a sign that normality is returning. However, gilts and GBP are likely to still hold the upper hand ahead of next week's BOE meeting and the latest inflation and GDP forecasts.” Polly said.

global interest

“Markets are right to be concerned” about the UK’s fiscal outlook, Mohit Kumar, Jefferies’ chief financial economist for Europe, told CNBC.

“We have an expanded budget. [including] That's $70 billion in spending financed by tax increases. The point is that many think tanks are questioning whether tax increases will give you as much money as you want, and it's not clear. That's what I'm worried about.”

“But secondly, the backdrop on the financial side is concerning. The US election is coming up and the markets are very concerned about the US election and what is happening on the financial side. Around the world, people are worried about their finances. We are running a deficit and issuance.”

Kumar said this week's bond market moves were also partly technical as the UK's “steepest trades”, in which investors benefited from a rise in long-term yields relative to short-term yields, were fading away.

“If inflation is higher and growth is higher, there is no need for the Bank of England to cut interest rates so aggressively,” Kumar said.

Continued bond selling could be risky, he said, but he did not see a repeat of the 2022 mini-budget.

Kumar noted that at a time when liability-based investing is sensitive to the longer term of the curve, the move was “very technical in nature.” “We think we are far away, at least 100 basis points away.” [from that].”

“But I think the fiscal concerns are very valid,” he said. “Furthermore, if the Republicans win a landslide victory, [in the upcoming U.S. election] “I think the bond market could still move higher in yields as financial concerns become more prevalent.”

CNBC's Sam Meredith contributed to this article.




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