California Election Results: Schiff Wins US Senate

In summary
The Burbank Democrat will fill the U.S. Senate seat held by Dianne Feinstein for 30 years. No Republican has won statewide in California since 2006, and Steve Garvey hasn't ended that losing streak.
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U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat from Burbank, claimed victory tonight in California's U.S. Senate race against Steve Garvey, a former Los Angeles Dodgers star seeking to become the first Republican elected statewide in 18 years old.
Schiff won a six-year term to replace Sen. Laphonza Butler, who decided not to run herself after being appointed following the death of Dianne Feinstein, who held the seat for more than 30 years. Schiff also defeated Garvey in a separate but concurrent race to fill the remainder of Feinstein's term, which expires in early January. This gives him a head start in terms of seniority over other newly elected U.S. senators.
The AP called the race as soon as polls closed in California at 8 p.m.
We're not leaving any community behind, Schiff said in his victory speech at a Democratic Party rally in Los Angeles. I will be the champion and voice of all Californians, whether you voted for me or not.
I am committed to taking the big flights to protect our freedoms and protect our democracy. California will continue to be the vanguard of progress, the bulwark of democracy, the champion of innovation and the protector of our rights and freedoms, Schiff added.
Garvey delivered a concession speech littered with baseball references at a Rancho Mirage casino, beginning by celebrating the LA Dodgers World Series title last week.
In baseball, as in many professional sports, there is a tradition of members of the opposing team congratulating the winners. Often with a handshake on the field or even a visit to the opponent's clubhouse, Garvey said. In the same spirit, I congratulate Congressman Adam Schiff on his victory.
Throughout his campaign, Garvey characterized his campaign as an effort to build common sense, compassion and consensus, a theme he repeated tonight. Our campaign did not follow the all-too-common path of complacency and rhetoric filled with lists of unworkable policies and unachievable positions, he said.
The race was all but decided after the March 5 primary, in which Schiffs' campaign spent tens of millions of dollars to elevate Garvey and sideline fellow Democratic Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee, who could have run a more competitive race. tight in a strongly Democratic California.
More than $85 million had been spent on the Schiff-Garvey contest as of Oct. 30, making it the ninth costliest U.S. Senate race this general election, according to data from OpenSecrets, a funding watchdog group campaigns based in Washington, DC.
The match virtually guaranteed Schiff's victory. Schiff has consistently led Garvey by a significant margin in overall fundraising and polling, 55% to 34% in a poll released Friday by the Institute for Government Studies at the University of California, Berkeley and the Los Angeles Times.
Schiffs' strategy, however, was sharply criticized by some progressives, who said the move risked increasing Republican voter turnout in key congressional districts in November and represented a step backwards in diverse representation: for the first time in 30 years, California will be represented. by two male U.S. senators: Schiff and Alex Padilla, even though women are already underrepresented in the Senate, said Mindy Romero, founder and director of the Center for Inclusive Democracy at the University of Southern California.
They will likely be in these positions for decades, she said. This means we won't have a female senator in California for a very long time.
But facing Garvey also freed Schiff to campaign for other Democrats: Instead of pumping money into his own race, Schiff kept busy fighting for Vice President Kamala Harris and raising funds ($7 million by early October) for other Democrats in the Senate and House. races in other states. He and Padilla campaigned this weekend in congressional elections in the Central Valley.
Garvey, who largely ran a low-key campaign, focused heavily on fundraising while skipping Republican Party events. He has outperformed Schiff over the past two quarters while having less money to spend in the bank overall, according to campaign reports. Garvey also took a summer trip to Israel, but stayed in the state most of the time and appeared on local television stations for interviews.
The two men have clashed over a wide range of issues from abortion to immigration throughout the election cycle. Schiff attempted to associate Garvey with former President Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again movement, aiming to hurt Garvey's chances among moderate voters, while touting Schiff's own record, since he led the first impeachment trial against Trump, strategists said.
But Garvey has largely stayed away from Trump, so much so that Trump himself refused to support Garvey and said in September that he knew little about the baseball legend. Earlier in his campaign, Garvey, who voted for Trump twice, repeatedly refused to answer whether he would vote for Trump in this election before pledging to vote for the former president over the President Joe Biden in July, before Biden withdrew from the race.
Garvey turned Schiff's attack on Trump back on him, arguing during their only one-on-one televised debate on October 8 that Schiff's focus on Trump would prohibit him from tackling issues that would actually affect Californians and that Schiff has done little to serve his constituents. .
What to expect from Schiff?
Although Schiff's seniority relative to other senators in his first term will give him more power, his influence will likely be diminished with the Republican takeover of the chamber.
The role Schiff plays will also depend on who wins the presidential election, experts say.
If the president is Trump, he will be Trump's gatekeeper, the guy on the walls trying to defend democracy, said Bob Shrum, a former Democratic strategist and now director of the USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future. If it's Harris, she's going to set an agenda and Democrats are generally going to rally around that agenda.
Schiff will take office thanks to the relationships he has already built over the past two decades, and he aligns with most of his Democratic colleagues in Congress on most issues.
He supported the enactment of a national abortion right, advocated for an assault weapons ban and universal background checks on gun sales, and championed the expansion of housing vouchers and credit tax to encourage the construction of affordable housing.
On immigration, Schiff said during the Oct. 8 debate that he would first support providing more personnel and better technology to police the border while ensuring migrants are treated like human beings. Like Porter and Lee, Schiff criticized a policy by President Joe Biden's administration that barred most migrants from seeking asylum if they crossed the border illegally. The policy was adopted as the number of migrant encounters at the southern border increased last year, although they fell this year.
To reduce inflation, Schiff said Congress must address the problem of shortages in various sectors, by encouraging renewable energy production and expanding health care and child care services, among others. Along with other Democrats, he also voted for the Biden-backed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which capped out-of-pocket insulin payments at $35 per month for people enrolled in Medicare.
But Schiff, a former member of the centrist Blue Dog coalition, is widely considered more moderate than his primary opponents, Porter and Lee, because of his voting record and positions on some issues. He has historically taken a more skeptical approach to federal spending, and his past support for tough-on-crime policies has earned him criticism from some criminal justice advocates.
Regarding the Gaza war, Schiff, who is Jewish, maintained his unequivocal support for Israel and only called for a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after Biden supported a similar call in March . The issue sharply divides Democrats, with progressives calling for an unconditional ceasefire and arms embargo against Israel.
CalMatters policy intern Jenna Peterson contributed to this report from Los Angeles.
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