Donald Trump's victory raises trade-offs and dilemmas for Britain

First, by Downing Street's account, the call between the prime minister and the president-elect was meant to portray a warm, even friendly atmosphere between the socialist former human rights lawyer and the billionaire wheeler-dealer New Yorker.
“The Prime Minister offered his sincere congratulations,” he said, adding, “The two leaders fondly recalled their meeting last September,” referring to their first meeting held at Trump Tower in New York.
“Affectionate” and “affectionately” stand out to me given how often these statements appear.
The No. 10 call also seeks to capitalize on “President-elect Trump’s close relationship and intimacy with the United Kingdom.” His mother was born on the Hebridean Isle of Lewis.
But considering his mantra of “America First,” some wonder just how much of an Anglophile he really is.
Sir Keir spoke by mobile phone from his office next to the Cabinet Office at Number 10.
Trump's team called the prime minister after the government asked him to call to send a congratulatory message.
I said Trump spoke to other leaders first, but I don't think there were many.
Some government officials are appealing to their audiences outside Westminster to judge Trump by his actions, not his words.
Verbal fireworks seem inevitable. That's the Trump way, but not being distracted is a mantra for some.
Especially since the blatant controversy and unpredictability are only the beginning. There are also policies to consider.
Let's take Ukraine as an example.
How will Europe react if the next president begins to cut off support for Kiev?
Does it remain broadly coupled, or does it start to break apart?
What if he again demands, as he has often done, that Europe pay more for its defence?
Can the UK government afford to increase defense spending faster? Can you afford not to do that?
Then there is climate change, and then there is the important issue of trade.
The president-elect talked about the possibility of significant tariffs or import taxes on goods brought into the United States.
What does this mean for Sir Keir Starmer’s central mission to stimulate economic growth?
How should the UK respond if the EU responds with retaliatory measures of its own?
Will you embrace Europe, or take advantage of the flexibility of Brexit to take a different approach?
Close observers of the first Trump administration say his high-stakes mission and the Republicans' wide-ranging victory this time mean the next president will likely have less restraint than the last.
They are better equipped to place their employees in the right jobs so they can get the work they want done faster.
The implications, choices, trade-offs and dilemmas for the UK from what has just happened in America are enormous.
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