researchers must remain strong and united

Moving on: Donald Trump's re-election poses challenges to science. Credit: Loren Elliott/Getty
When Donald Trump was first elected president of the United States in 2016, Nature advised scientists to engage constructively with Trump. We said that the new presidents' contrarian approach to evidence, among other things, had no place in modern society. We added that the scientific community has a responsibility to mobilize and work with the president and his new administration so that they govern based on research and evidence.
We must be ready for a new world: scientists around the world respond to Trump's election
And yet, during Trump's first term, the world saw a government that ignored and undermined efforts to solve some of the world's biggest problems, such as climate change and a global pandemic. Many researchers have left U.S. federal science agencies, their place sometimes taken by lobbyists and political figures.
The United States has now re-elected Donald Trump as president. Many researchers told Nature they were in despair, seeing the election result as a step backwards for facts, reason, knowledge and civility.
Last week, Nature said the United States needs a leader who respects evidence. The new administration must embody this principle. On behalf of the research community, we will hold them accountable in the event of failure.
We hope that the new administration will govern in the best interests of the United States. This means retaining the best of what the previous administration did and not returning to some policies of the first Trump presidency.
The world needs an American president who respects evidence
This includes respecting scientific consensus when making regulatory decisions on public health, environmental issues, artificial intelligence and others. It is one of the cornerstones of modern government. Policymakers and politicians retain control of decisions, but they cannot control the facts.
Climate change must also remain a crucial priority. Over the past four years, the United States has taken important steps in recognizing that it is in its own interest not to stand still as global temperatures continue to rise. It has adopted policies to support industries and communities throughout the transition to future sustainable development. If these policies are repealed, those with the lowest incomes and those from marginalized communities will be among the hardest hit.
The United States and the world are at their best when the country is engaged on the international stage. That means not repeating the Trump administration's previous decision to exit the 2015 Paris climate accord, an agreement aimed at protecting the world from the impacts of climate change that U.S. scientists helped craft. And that means continuing to support other important international organizations, such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations' scientific and cultural organization, UNESCO.
The United States is the world's scientific superpower, but for how long?
Trump's threat to defund the WHO in 2020 was particularly dangerous for low-income countries where the agency's work is crucial to fighting disease and maintaining standards of public health infrastructure. Currently, WHO epidemiologists, clinicians and logistics staff are helping to treat and control diseases in countries including Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan and Yemen. Diseases do not respect borders: cooperating and engaging with international institutions to combat their spread is in the best interest of the United States.
The United States is a nation that welcomes talent from around the world, in science and other fields. This must continue if the country is to maintain its strength in research and innovation, the foundation of prosperity.
The research community must collaborate with the new administration with courage, tenacity, strength and unity. At the same time, American scientists must know that they are not alone. The research community is global. We must be united and strong to meet the challenges ahead. And that means continuing to present the facts to power.
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