Britain's longest-lasting snow sculpture has disappeared for the fourth year in a row.

Summary Scotland's snowpack, known to last all year round, has melted for the fourth year in a row. This is the 10th time in over 300 years that a snow flake has disappeared. These snow flakes could serve as a harbinger of the far-reaching consequences of climate change. .
Snow flakes in the Scottish Highlands, called sphinxes, typically remain year-round and remain frozen throughout the summer. But only 10 times in the past three centuries has it melted for four consecutive years.
The Sphinx that adorns the side of Mount Braeriach, Britain's third highest mountain, has historically been considered Britain's longest-lasting snow patch. That's because the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland are known to retain most of their snow and ice each year after they have disappeared. range.
But as has been the case every year since 2021, the patch completely melted in September. By comparison, the Sphinx disappeared only three times in the 20th century.
Experts say these snow flakes tend to be sensitive to small fluctuations in temperature, which could serve as a harbinger of the far-reaching consequences of climate change. The melting of the Sphinx provides clues about how climate change will affect the Scottish Highlands, as well as the rest of the country and the world.
Cairngorms National Park CEO Grant Moir said the Sphinx's melting for the fourth year in a row was a good indicator of this change. Climate change has always been relatively high on our agenda as a national park and is increasingly having an impact on the Highlands. We can get an idea from the Sphinx about the changes taking place in our climate.
The Sphinx is located in Braeriach, part of the Cairngorms Mountains in Scotland. climate center
In addition to melting snow, the Highlands are experiencing more frequent storms and flooding, interspersed with extended periods of dry weather that increase the risk of wildfires, Moir said.
Changes in snow cover across the plateau affect mountain ecosystems because they change the natural hydrological cycle in which snow gradually melts from the mountains and flows into rivers.
Moir said it has a big impact on salmon spawning grounds and the river as a whole. We need to mitigate some of these impacts and look at what we can do differently to adapt to these changing patterns.
The Cairngorms Park is also home to some of Britain's most endangered species, he added.
The ripple effects extend beyond the natural environment. About 18,000 people live in the national park, and about 2 million people visit each year, Moir said. But severe storms and flooding could displace residents, cause millions of pounds of damage and disrupt the region's valuable tourism, he said.
Moir said it was important to always try to strike the right balance to allow nature and people to thrive in national parks. What we've tried to do is make sure we're investing in things that are good for nature, good for biodiversity and good for people.
Records show that the Sphinx snow flakes have melted only 10 times in over 300 years. climate center
Iain Cameron, author of The Vanishing Ice: Diaries of a Scottish Snow Hunter, has been studying snow across Scotland's hills and mountains for more than 25 years. Each year he publishes his findings on snow cover in the region in the Royal Meteorological Society's annual report.
Last year, Cameron wrote that the fate of the Sphinx was a story with little chance of a happy ending.
He writes that there is little doubt that we are witnessing a change in the language used to describe snow sculptures in Scotland. The adjective that best describes the Sphinx is permanent, but it should be changed to semi-permanent, perennial, or semi-annual. But even this narrator may not be able to withstand the pressure of continued disappearances. We are now looking at a time when only the occasional flake of snow is likely to survive.
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