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Republican U.S. Rep. Eli Crane wins second term in sprawling Arizona congressional district

Republican U.S. Rep. Eli Crane wins second term in sprawling Arizona congressional district


PHOENIX (AP) Republican U.S. Rep. Eli Crane won re-election in a Republican-leaning congressional district covering large swaths of rural Arizona.

Crane faced a spirited challenge from Democrat Jonathan Nez, the former president of the Navajo Nation, in the 2nd District race. Nez was vying to become the first Native American to represent Arizona in Congress.

In a statement Saturday evening, Crane congratulated Nez for entering the race and thanked voters.

I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to fight corruption and the selfish interests of Washington, D.C. elites to put rural Arizonans first, Crane wrote. I am focused on working with President Trump to reduce inflation, secure the border, and return to peace through force.

The district covers much of northeastern Arizona and dips south to the northern suburbs of Tucson. It includes 14 of the 22 federally recognized tribes within the state.

Nez said in a statement Saturday evening that he called Crane to congratulate him on the hard-fought victory.

Even if we did not obtain the hoped-for result, the work we started together is not finished, Nez wrote.

Crane, a former Navy SEAL who served in the military for 13 years, is a member of the far-right House Freedom Caucus and a staunch ally of President-elect Donald Trump, who won Arizona. Crane was among eight Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives nationwide who voted to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker in 2023.

Crane focused on securing the U.S.-Mexico border and supporting veterans. In 2022, he unseated three-term Democratic Rep. Tom OHalleran after the rural district was redrawn to become significantly more conservative.

Nez campaigned largely on securing water rights and meeting the needs of rural residents. Nez served as Navajo president from 2019 to 2023, but lost his re-election bid. He also served as tribal vice chairman, Navajo County supervisor and delegate to the Navajo Nation Council.

Three other U.S. House of Representatives races in Arizona were too early to call Saturday, including the 1st and 6th Congressional Districts.

Republican David Schweikert is seeking an eighth term in the wealthy 1st Congressional District that includes north Phoenix, Scottsdale, Fountain Hills and Paradise Valley. His challenger is former Democratic Rep. Amish Shah.

The 6th Congressional race pits Republican Juan Ciscomani against Democrat Kirsten Engel, whom he narrowly beat two years ago. The district extends from Tucson east to the New Mexico state line and includes part of the Arizona-Mexico border.

The U.S. Senate race in Arizona between Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego, an Iraq War veteran, and Republican Kari Lake, a well-known former news anchor and staunch Trump ally, also remained too early to call Saturday .




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