After Trump's re-election, Britain will lead efforts to save Cop29, Miliband says | police29

Britain must step up its commitment to renewable energy to foster national security in an increasingly uncertain world, Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has warned ahead of a tough global summit on the climate crisis.
He promised Britain would lead efforts at Cop29 to secure the global agreement needed to prevent the worst effects of climate breakdown, at talks thrown into turmoil by US President Donald Trump's re-election.
The only way to keep the British people safe today is to make the UK a clean energy superpower, and the only way we protect future generations is to work with other countries to take climate action, Miliband told the Observer. This government is committed to accelerating climate change response. Because it protects our country through energy security, cost savings, and good jobs.
Trump, who has repeatedly dismissed climate science as a hoax, has vowed to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement again, as he did late in his last presidency. Scientists have warned that his policies will short-circuit hopes of limiting global temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, considered the threshold of safety.
Now governments are scrambling to save a vital ally, led by outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden, who has made climate issues a top priority of his term. Cop29 requires governments to agree how to strengthen global financial capacity to tackle the climate crisis. The Biden White House team will still be present, but the inevitability of Trump withdrawing US support means other countries will have to redraw their expectations given the absence and future hostilities from the world's largest economy.
On November 6, a forest fire broke out in Camarillo, California. Donald Trump is expected to roll back efforts to control climate change. Photo: Allison Diener/EPA
The summit scheduled to be held in Azerbaijan's capital Baku over the next week has been hit hard by a series of cancellations. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will not attend, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz plans to remain in Berlin even after the coalition government is disbanded. French President Emmanuel Macron is also facing a domestic political crisis.
U.N. Secretary-General Annio Guterres will attend the summit with leaders from about 100 countries, mostly developing countries, that are struggling with the growing economic impact of climate-related disasters.
Keir Starmer, who will attend the nearly two-day summit, is one of the few leaders of the world's largest industrial economy to attend. He is expected to announce tough new targets for Britain to reduce greenhouse gases and a commitment to meet an $11.6 billion climate finance commitment to poor countries made under the Conservatives but postponed by Rishi Sunak. It works.
Miliband, who will take personal responsibility for negotiations rather than leaving them to junior ministers and civil servants like previous governments, has made it clear that Britain will be entering a leadership vacuum. Climate breakdown knows no borders, so we will police by the power of example to urge others to do their fair share. He said the UK would lead the way to protect our people and play its part in securing the future of our planet.
Adair Turner, former chair of the UK's Climate Change Committee and now chair of the Energy Transition Council think tank, warned that Trump's shadow would weigh heavily despite the happy talk from some governments and civil society groups to minimize the impact. Some people tend to try to cheer themselves up by whistling in the dark. But this [Trumps election] It's bad, let's be clear. We will not take any further action by the United States beyond the Inflation Reduction Act [under which hundreds of billions of dollars were supposed to be spent on clean energy] And we needed it.
The poor countries want the settlement to provide Baku with at least $1 trillion a year by 2035 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cope with an increasingly extreme climate. Developed world governments would likely agree that much less than the $400 million without the United States would have to come from public sources, such as foreign aid budgets, the World Bank and other publicly owned finance. organ.
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They also want large emerging economies such as China and oil states such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to contribute to the fund.
Studies have shown that taxing fossil fuels could raise all the money needed, but doing so would face fierce opposition from oil companies. Some countries are calling for a small tax on billionaires, whose wealth has increased to record levels since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Levies on high-carbon activities such as aviation and transport could also be a means of raising cash. There will be disagreement over how much of the $1 trillion requested should come from the private sector and what safeguards can be put in place to ensure poor countries can access the money they need without being saddled with further debt. You can.
David Hillman, director of the Stamp Out Poverty group, part of the Make Polluters Pay coalition, said: This is similar to how some countries once manipulated Brexit-related uncertainty to stymie important progress on taxing banks.
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