Britain is 'not a target' of Trump tariffs as free trade agreement talks could happen again, expert says | political news

The UK is “not a target” of potential US tariffs following Donald Trump's election win, a trade expert has told Sky News.
Duncan Edwards, CEO of BritishAmerican Business, said Trump's return to the White House could mean negotiating a new free trade agreement with the United States.
The current president's concerns about Northern Ireland and the legality of post-Brexit rules have stalled discussions under Joe Biden.
President-elect Trump has often mentioned his support for trade tariffs.
He said it could increase imports and encourage internal U.S. trade rather than tapping into international markets.
“Well, the first thing to say is that the UK is not the target,” Mr Edwards said.
“And there will be an opportunity for the UK to get back into trade talks like it did four years ago.
“And let’s see if they are pragmatic and nimble in how they approach that process… they are likely to come to an agreement.”
1:34 What is Trumpnomics?
President Trump wants to impose the highest tariffs on China.
Before winning the November 5 election, he said he would raise tariffs on Chinese goods to 60% and impose a “universal” tax of at least 10% on goods imported from other countries.
One US governor, Democrat Phil Murphy of New Jersey, believes Trump will not impose tariffs on Britain.
Speaking to Trevor Phillips on Sky News on Sunday morning, Chancellor of the Exchequer Darren Jones said the UK was considering “a range of scenarios”.
He added that the government's position is to support free trade between the US and the UK.
“This is a very strong and very beneficial relationship for all of us and for the American economy,” Jones said. “Of course we want to protect that and strengthen it for years to come.”
He continued, “I think President-elect Trump said that.
“He recognizes the important relationship the United States has with the United Kingdom, and this will be the foundation for our future cooperation,” he said.
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Read more:Trump's unpredictability leaves Britain in an unknown state. Trump's Top Team: Who's Involved and Who Could Be Included?
During the last Trump administration, there were several free trade negotiations between the UK and the US.
However, as President Biden supports such an agreement, the UK has so far signed agreements with several states, including Texas and Florida.
Talks about a trade deal with the US could raise the specter of issues such as whether “chlorinated chicken” would be allowed in the UK.
Mr Edwards said Mr Trump's broad support in agriculture meant any deal would have to allow American food to come into the UK and vice versa.
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“This is where the political difficulty lies,” he said, insisting that American food is safe.
He said chlorinated chicken was a “shorthand” and that differences between food standards were not a “safety issue” and would make groceries more affordable.
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