U.S. Department of Education Announces Final Beta Testing Period for FAFSA Form 202526

Building on positive testing results since October 1, the ministry will extend the online beta testing period to all users later this month, before officially releasing the form.
The U.S. Department of Education (Department) today announced that it has entered the final beta testing period for Free Application 202526 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), Beta 4, which will build on the positive results of the first three beta periods. Since October 1, more than 14,000 students have successfully submitted their 202,526 FAFSA forms. The Department successfully processed forms and sent more than 81,000 files to more than 1,850 schools and 43 states. The Department found no critical bugs during the beta testing period and the FAFSA system works end-to-end. Additionally, the Ministry focused on fixing issues and improving the user experience in the app. Students and families benefit from these improvements, leading to a 95% beta participant satisfaction rate.
Building on these efforts, before the end of the month, the Department will expand online beta testing to all students and families, consistent with industry best practices. The final testing period will consist of two phases: Beta 4 and Extended Beta 4.
Beta 4: Throughout the beta testing period, the department worked with members of the college access and financial aid communities, community organizations, high schools, higher education institutions, and others to test FAFSA form 202526 before its official release. Since yesterday, thousands of additional students recruited by selected organizations and institutions were able to complete and submit a FAFSA Form 202526 as part of the Beta 4 testing period. Beta 4 builds on the work done in Beta 3 with a new group of students and contributors and through the same invitation-only process that the department followed during the first three beta testing periods.
Extended Beta 4: Before the end of the month, the department will open Beta 4 to any interested student or family. This means that anyone wishing to access the form online as part of the Beta 4 testing period will be able to do so on the FAFSA website. During this time, the Department will continue to carefully monitor the FAFSA form, overall system performance, and supporting operations, such as our contact center, and adjust operations as necessary. This will allow the department to test the FAFSA system with a larger number of users, while giving students the opportunity to submit 202,526 FAFSA forms online before December 1. The department will continue to provide regular updates to users and stakeholders on Beta Central in Fafsa. government/beta.
Once the Department determines that the FAFSA system is working properly with a high volume of users, we will exit beta testing and announce the official release of FAFSA Form 202526. As previously announced, this will occur by December 1.
More than 14,000 students have already submitted 202,526 FAFSA forms, and we have successfully processed them and sent them to colleges, universities and state agencies across the country, said Undersecretary of Education James Kvaal. Providing more students with access to the FAFSA form is the final state of beta testing as we prepare to officially launch the form no later than December 1.
Extending Beta 4 to interested students and contributors
Once the department expands Beta 4 later this month, any student or contributor will be able to complete and submit FAFSA Form 202526 online. Consistent with widely held software best practices, the FAFSA form will remain in beta while the Department monitors its performance under an increased testing load. Just like other beta periods, the Department will process FAFSA forms and send them to institutions of higher education and states. Students who submit a FAFSA form during Beta 4 and Extended Beta 4 will be able to make any necessary corrections to the form after it is processed and will not need to submit a subsequent FAFSA Form 202526.
During weeks of beta testing, we have seen thousands of applicants successfully complete FAFSA Form 202526 and tens of thousands of applications have been sent to institutions across the country, said Jeremy Singer, FAFSA Executive Advisor. . And while we know that all new software launches come with hiccups, the consistency of experience and feedback from beta participants gives us confidence that FAFSA Form 202526 is ready to handle the large numbers of candidates waiting for his arrival.
The department will make the decision to end beta testing and announce the official release of FAFSA Form 202526 based on platform stability, customer satisfaction and contact center capacity, no later than December 1.
What Extended Beta 4 Means for Students, Families, Institutions, and Other Partners
Students and contributors can choose to submit their application when the Extended Beta 4 period opens, or they can choose to wait until the form is no longer in beta testing and is officially released. Regardless of when they choose to submit an application, students and their contributors should create a account (also known as an FSA ID) now if they do not already have one.
During the beta period, the Department resolved a set of known issues and implemented fixes to further improve the user experience and improve the functionality of the FAFSA form. Additionally, the Department has implemented a number of initiatives and released and updated additional resources and materials, including those listed below, to strengthen the user experience with the FAFSA form and process.
In addition to these efforts, the department has significantly increased staffing at the Federal Student Aid Contact Center and will expand the contact center's hours to include evenings and Saturdays. However, we anticipate high demand when the form is initially opened during Extended Beta 4 and when the FAFSA form is officially released. The Department will closely monitor traffic on the FAFSA website and contact center to ensure users are getting what they need to successfully complete and submit a FAFSA form. If users require additional support during this time, they may experience longer than usual wait times at the contact center.
The Department recently released a suite of resources to help students and families complete and submit the FAFSA form during the 202526 cycle. These include:
Counselors, college access professionals, and other advisors may begin to hear from more students and families as Extended Beta 4 opens. Throughout the fall, the Department has released resources to help our partners prepare for and navigate the 2025 FAFSA cycle,26 including a new resource for advisors:
202526 Advisor Resource for Completing the FAFSA Form Provides advisors and advisers with information and resources to help guide students and their families through the FAFSA form. 202526 FAFSAM Roadmap Highlights key FAFSA form launch dates, as well as timelines for releasing resources to support our partners. 202526 FAFSA Preliminary Overview Provides financial aid administrators, advisors, and counselors with reference tools for staff trainings and financial aid evenings. The presentation contains screenshots that highlight changes to the online FAFSA Form 202526. 202526 Prototype FAFSA Provides the financial aid community with an advanced opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the FAFSA user experience prior to its widespread release.
Updated information and outreach tools for counselors, college access professionals, and other advisors can be found in the Financial Aid Toolkit.
Once the Extended Beta 4 period opens, colleges and state agencies will likely begin receiving a higher volume of applications than in previous beta periods, and institutions that have not yet received applications may start receiving them. Additional resources and training to support the administration of federal student aid programs can be found on the FAFSA Knowledge Center Simplification information page and more information on the implications of beta testing for institutions and states can be found here. Additionally, the Department will provide regular updates on Beta 4 and the extended Beta 4 testing period on Beta Central.
The beta testing period allows the Department to maximize a positive user experience, and the Department is grateful to all members of the financial aid community who work with us during the beta testing period to help ensure a smooth FAFSA experience for the wider community.
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