Trump adviser says Britain must choose between US economic model and EU socialism | trade policy

A top adviser to US President-elect Donald Trump has said Britain should align itself with America's free enterprise economic model instead of a socialist European system, as speculation grows about the terms of a potential transatlantic trade deal.
Stephen Moore, President Trump's chief economic adviser, said the incoming administration would be more willing to agree to a trade deal between the two countries if Britain moved towards the US model of economic freedom.
His comments come as Keir Starmer faces competing demands over future trade deals with Washington and Brussels. Some have told the prime minister to choose a side in a trade deal between the US and the EU, while others have suggested he could strike a deal with both major countries.
Speaking on the BBC's Today programme, Moore said: Britain actually has to choose between the more socialist European economic model and the American model, which is based more on a free enterprise system. I think the UK falls somewhere between these two types of economic models. I believe Britain would be better off pursuing more of the American model of economic freedom.
If so, I think the Trump administration will have the will to conclude a free trade agreement (FTA) with the UK. I think it makes sense for both the UK and the US.
Previous efforts to agree a UK-US trade deal were thwarted by disputes over agricultural standards, particularly concerns about allowing chlorinated chicken or hormone-fed beef on British supermarket shelves.
Moore said: I think we have the best agricultural center in the world. So I wouldn't see it as a problem on this side of the ocean. But in England we understand it. I know the last time I went to London it was a big problem for many Brits I spoke to.
President Trump has proposed a blanket tariff of at least 10% on all imports and additional retaliatory tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on American imports. Moore said comprehensive tariffs are a fairly popular position with many U.S. voters, but suggested that some countries could be exempt.
The prospect of tariffs is already hampering the UK government, which is betting its success on economic growth. Earlier this month, Goldman Sachs lowered its forecast for UK economic growth in 2025 from 1.6% to 1.4%, citing the possibility of higher US tariffs.
I think we have a special relationship with Britain and I think most Americans, Donald Trump, see Britain in a very different way. “It's certainly different from China or other countries where we see it in a more hostile way,” he said.
“We have a U.S., Mexico and Canada trade agreement,” Moore said, referring to the U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement passed under Trump to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). So it's certainly possible that because of the special relationship we have with our North American neighbors with the single tariff he was talking about, we might be exempt from them. So your question is, ‘Can we exempt the UK?’ Maybe I don't know the answer to that.
On Tuesday, Peter Mandelson, who is expected to become Britain's new ambassador to Washington, told the Times that Britain should have our cake and eat it too, and forge trade links with the EU and the US.
We cannot leave the European Union in our largest export market where free trade is difficult. But we are still doing business. It is still our largest export market. We can't leave it.
And we need to mitigate the sorts of barriers and risks that have been created by Brexit in the European markets. And transatlantic trade and investment is huge for us.
Former Bank of England chief economist Andy Haldane delivered a similar message on Tuesday, saying the government could show Britain is open for business at a time when the world is turning inward, whether to the European Union or the European Union. . us.
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