Elon Musk has branded Britain a 'police state' after a carer was jailed for live-streaming riots.

Elon Musk has branded Britain a “police state” after a carer was jailed for live-streaming riots in Tamworth.
The tech billionaire told his 207 million followers on social media after 23-year-old Cameron Bell was sentenced to nine months in prison.
Bell was jailed after pleading guilty to a violent disorder charge for allegedly livestreaming a group of masked men making racist comments online during the summer riots.
The woman joined a gang of hooded men in their overalls and captured the footage on social media following the riots linked to the incident in Southport.
The court watched a video taken by Bell, in which he could be heard swearing and referring to asylum seekers as “vagrants” while others made racist comments.
staffordshire police
Stafford Crown Court heard Bell was not present when the initial violence broke out at the town's Holiday Inn Express, which caught fire while housing asylum seekers.
But Judge John Edwards was shown CCTV footage from August 4 showing Bell walking through Tamworth town center as he was among about 20 men, some of whom were armed with wooden and metal planks.
The court reviewed video taken by Bell, in which he can be heard swearing and referring to asylum seekers as “bums” while others make racist comments.
Defense lawyer Stephen Rudge argued she was on the “periphery” of the group and many of her live streams were “amateurish” and mainly showed “the cobblestones of Tamworth”.
The judge rejected the request for a suspended sentence, declaring that “the immediate detention of anyone involved in violent disorder must be ordered and the need for deterrence is urgent.”
Latest developments:
The riots follow the tragic Southport attack in late July in which three young girls were fatally injured at Taylor Swift's dance class.
Judge Edwards told the court: “The violence was sparked by misinformation and misplaced far-right sentiment, which, as we know, has spread to several towns and cities across the country, including Tamworth.”
Bell's intervention occurred around 10.30pm after the main disturbance had calmed down. The judge noted Bell was among a group believed to be heading to another hotel in town.
Her livestream comments were deemed 'unacceptable and disgusting' by a judge, who said she was 'likely to fan the flames'.
He also added that this was Bell's first offense and she subsequently lost her job as a carer.
Musk began commenting on British politics more frequently.
This latest criticism adds to Musk's increasingly confrontational comments about the UK.
The billionaire previously sparked controversy by claiming that a British civil war was “inevitable” in a post about the riots in August.
The tech mogul, the world's richest person with a fortune worth more than $200 billion, recently took aim at Labor over the inheritance tax hike.
“We need to leave the farmers alone,” Musk added online. [owe] “Thank you farmers for putting food on our tables!”
The comments come as Musk strengthens his relationship with President-elect Donald Trump, who announced the tech billionaire would lead the new Department of Government Effectiveness.
The department's goal is to “dismantle” the $6.5 trillion U.S. bureaucracy so that Musk can officially enter Trump's incoming administration.
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