Austin Meets Japanese, Australian Counterparts to Advance Defense Ties > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III underscored the critical role that deepening defense ties between the United States, Australia and Japan continue to play in maintaining peace and security in the 'Indo-Pacific during his meeting with his counterparts today in Darwin, Australia.
The Secretary of State met with Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles and Japanese Defense Minister Nakatani Gen as part of the 14th Trilateral Defense Ministers' Meeting, where the leaders finalized new measures to further strengthen defense cooperation and interoperability between the three countries.
“Now more than ever, we are taking concrete steps that will deepen our trilateral cooperation, and all three of us are here to see the results for ourselves,” Austin said during a press briefing after of the meeting. “Darwin is a focal point of our expanding trilateral relationship, and our bond provides real security, deterrence and interoperability.”
As part of new measures announced by the three leaders in a joint statement following today's TDMM, Japan will increase its participation in force posture cooperation activities between Australia and the United States , including through annual trilateral amphibious training between the Australian Defense Force and the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force. Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and United States Marine Rotational Force – Darwin.
The three countries will also expand their trilateral participation in key exercises.
As part of new measures announced today, Japan will increase its participation in the Southern Jackaroo and Talisman Saber exercises in Australia starting next year. Australia will also participate in Exercise Orient Shield in 2025 and increase its participation in Exercises Yama Sakura, Keen Edge and Keen Sword.
The joint statement also outlines measures to increase intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance cooperation across the Indo-Pacific region, including Australia's participation in the Japan-to-Japan Bilateral Information Analysis Cell. and the United States.
In addition to setting out measures to increase interoperability, the leaders outlined measures to build advanced capabilities together, improve operational coordination and information sharing, and demonstrate U.S., Japanese and Australian presence in the 'Indo-Pacific alongside key regional allies.
The newly outlined measures build on the deepening ties between the United States, Australia and Japan during Austin's term.
“I am absolutely proud of everything we have accomplished together,” Austin said. “Together, we continue to build on the progress our three countries have made over the past four years, and I look forward to growing our partnership to endure into the future.”
Austin's meeting today with his Australian and Japanese counterparts kicked off his 12th trip to the Indo-Pacific since taking office, as he continues to build on the strong partnerships forged under his mandate across the United States' priority theater of operations.
Throughout the week, the Secretary will meet with senior officials from across the region in a series of engagements in the Philippines, Laos and Fiji.
The trip will showcase the United States' steadfast commitment to the Indo-Pacific region, amid what Austin sees as a “new convergence” of like-minded partners across the region.
“We are doing more than ever alongside our allies and partners to take concrete steps toward a shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region,” Austin said before his departure.
“During this journey, we will achieve results to advance cooperation, strengthen our relationships and build a lasting network of allies and partners,” he said. “I am proud of the historic progress we have made over the past four years and the depth of America’s continued engagement in the region.”
Following his visit to Darwin, Austin will travel to the Philippines where he will highlight the United States' commitment to the Mutual Defense Treaty and discuss ways to continue supporting the security of the Philippines.
Austin's stop in the Philippines marks his fourth visit to the country since taking office, the most visits ever by a U.S. defense secretary.
The secretary's next stop will be in Laos, where he will attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Defense Ministers' Meeting-Plus.
U.S. defense secretaries have participated in the forum since 2010, when it was established by the 10-nation Southeast Asian bloc.
Austin will meet with a number of regional allies and partners on the sidelines of the meeting and reaffirm the United States' commitment to regional security. During this visit, he will announce the U.S. Department of Defense's first-ever vision statement for a prosperous and secure Southeast Asia.
Austin's final stop will be in Fiji, marking the first visit to the country by a U.S. defense secretary.
During his stay, Austin will meet with Fijian Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Baron Waqa.
The Secretary of State is expected to announce that the United States and Fiji will begin negotiations on a status of forces agreement that will allow the two countries to work more closely together.
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