Travel warning issued across England after snow and ice forecast | uk news

Trains and roads may be affected over the next few days. (Photo: Bloomberg via Getty Images)
A travel warning has been issued as Britain braces for snow, ice and plummeting temperatures.
National Rail said cold weather could affect trains across the country over the next few days and urged anyone planning to travel to check their trip before departure.
It comes after the Met Office issued a yellow weather warning for snow and ice for northern Scotland from 4pm on Sunday until 11am on Monday.
A yellow warning has also been issued for parts of northern England, Wales and southern Scotland for Monday and Tuesday, with up to 20cm (about 8in) of snow possible in the Highlands.
Accumulation of up to 10 centimeters (4 inches) of snow at lower elevations is unlikely, which could prove devastating, forecasters said.
National Rail said speed restrictions were in place to ensure trains can run safely, which could make journeys longer.
There is also a risk of cancellation if, for example, tracks are covered in snow or overhead cables are covered in ice.
Meanwhile, Transport Scotland warned drivers to be careful. Here's what was posted on X: Heading down the highway on a snowy day? Keep the clearest lanes free of snow possible and keep tire tracks as clean as possible.
People are dressed warmly to prepare for the cold. (Photo: Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock)
And on the Northeastern National Highway, this was posted: BrrrrrrrrrTemperatures are expected to drop over the next few days. It may snow and freeze. Drive with caution to road conditions, especially near Greeter.
Last night's lowest temperature was recorded at -0.9C at RNAS Yeovilton in Somerset, while the highest temperature of 14.1C was recorded at USK in Wales.
Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern said: “You will be able to feel the temperature change. As the wind blows in from the north-northwest, temperatures will feel much colder.
There will also be frequent showers of sleet and snow in northern Scotland, particularly in Shetland, where some accumulation of wet snow may occur at elevations of a few hundred meters or more.
Meanwhile, conditions remain relatively mild further south, although it will be very cloudy and some rain will settle into southern areas.
The UK's Health and Safety Executive issued a separate extreme cold warning about low temperatures that could threaten the lives of vulnerable people.
Plunging temperatures could impact health and social care services as demand could be higher than usual.
When will it snow?
The first yellow warning will be in place from 4pm on Sunday until 11am on Monday. It mainly affects the Scottish Highlands, Na h-Eileanan Siar, Orkeny and Shetland.
Areas subject to Met Office weather warnings on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (Photo: Metro UK)
Road and rail journeys may take longer due to slippery surfaces and ice patches. This may cause you to slip or fall.
“On Sunday showers will turn increasingly wintry, with hail, sleet and snow falling throughout the day,” the Met Office said.
There will be a lot of low-lying snow accumulation during the day, but in the evening and night, 1 to 3 cm of snow is likely to accumulate in some areas, and 5 to 10 cm of snow is likely to accumulate at elevations above 300 meters by Monday morning.
Londoners felt the cold this weekend. (Photo: Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock)
A second yellow warning predicts some disruption due to snow as far south as Sheffield and Yorkshire between 10am on Monday and 10am on Tuesday.
“Rain, sleet and snow are likely to fall from Monday night into Tuesday morning,” the Korea Meteorological Administration said.
The most likely scenario is that most of the snow will fall at higher elevations, with accumulations of 5 to 10 cm above 300 meters and 15 to 20 cm above 400 metres.
Snow accumulation at lower elevations is unlikely and 5 to 10 cm could be much more disruptive, but this is highly uncertain.
Snow fell across Scotland and the North East this weekend, but London remained mostly dry. (Photo: Amer Ghazzal/Shutterstock) Where does it snow?
The Met Office has compiled a list of areas affected by yellow warnings.
Sunday through Monday, this includes:
Grampian Highlands and Western Islands Western Highlands Orkney and Shetland Orkney Islands Shetland Islands
Monday through Sunday, this includes:
Central, Tayside & Fife Clackmannanshire Falkirk Fife Stirling North East England Darlington Durham Gateshead Hartlepool Middlesbrough Newcastle upon Tyne North Tyneside Northumberland Redcar and Cleveland South Tyneside Stockton-on-Tees Sunderland North West England SW Scotland, Lothian Borders Dumfries and Galloway East Lothian Edinburgh Midlothian Council Scottish Borders West Lothian Strathclyde Argyll and Bute East Ayrshire East Dunbartonshire East Renfrewshire Glasgow Inverclyde North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Renfrewshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire West Dunbartonshire Yorkshire and the Humber North Yorkshire West Yorkshire York
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