The UK housing market is bracing for interest rate uncertainty and loss of stamp duty revenue.

tom bill
Housing market activity is expected to slow over the next few months following the latest Budget.
Thanks to the government's borrowing and spending plans, mortgage borrowing is expected to increase gradually after October 30, which will almost certainly impact housing demand across the UK.
The five-year Treasury yield traded above 4.4% last week, compared to below 3.9% in early October.
Higher yields on government debt typically mean lower demand among investors due to the creditworthiness associated risks, which leads to higher mortgage costs.
The rate of return is significantly higher than the projected figures released by the Office for Budget Responsibility along with the budget. It was announced that the five-year maturity government bond yield will exceed 4% in 2027 and then rise to 4.4% in the second half of 2029.
“It’s been three weeks since the Budget was passed, but the government still needs to watch the reaction of financial markets very carefully,” said Tom Bill, head of UK housing research at Knight Frank.
“Financial markets last week priced the Bank Rate for December 2025 at between 4 and 4.25%, compared to expectations of below 3.5% just two months ago, as you can see in the chart,” he explained. “None of this is good news for the mortgage market and lenders have been pushing interest rates higher in recent days.”
According to Knight Frank, it will be several more months before the full impact is felt in the housing market, which has seen strong activity since the recent interest rate decline in late summer and early autumn. UK trading in September was the second highest in 18 months.
Bill continued: “Despite the optimistic outlook in last week's RICS survey, we expect the effect of rising interest rates to increase downward pressure on prices and volumes.
“The problem with this period of dyspepsia is that no one knows how long it will last or what form it may take.
“The election of President Trump in the United States has only added to the unpredictability of what will happen next in global bond markets.”
Meanwhile, major housing markets, where equity and cash play a more important role, face uncertainty of their own, Knight Frank reports.
Bill pointed out that the government's plans to replace the non-dome system would make the UK appear relatively uncompetitive compared to countries such as Italy to foreign investors and entrepreneurs.
He said: “The Foreign Investors for Britain lobby group is still talking to the government about the merits of introducing a parallel Italian-style flat tax to ensure capital stays in the UK.
“But the speculation has already had negative consequences for the country’s finances. If there are 22 billion black holes in the UK economy, Knight Frank estimates that the loss of stamp duty revenue on more than 5 million property transactions has made them 140.3 million larger since March.
“Former Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt first raised the possibility of abolishing the Bedom government in his spring budget and tensions over taxation of wealth and property have risen since then.”
Knight Frank used forecasting software to compare the actual number of offers against the expected number of over five million offers between March and October this year. Estate agents then calculated the number of lost transactions across the UK market.
Knight Frank estimates there is a shortfall of 107 transactions between 5 and 10 million transactions and 35 transactions above 10 million transactions, resulting in a theoretical stamp duty revenue loss of just over $140 million. A total of $11.6 billion was collected in stamp duty in the 2023/24 financial year.
Sadly, we are not surprised by the Conservative government's announcement that it will scrap the non-dom rule and the stamp duty cut between March and October (abolished as an ideological extreme) bookmarked in the Labor Budget on 30 October. Leslie MacLeod-Miller, CEO of Foreign Investors for Britain, told Knight Frank.
Our own research, compiled by Oxford Economics, found that Vidom paid an average of $890,000 in stamp duty over the five years to 2023/24 and $800,000 in value-added tax during the 2023/24 financial year.
With governments concerned about financial black holes, Bill believes they should keep a close eye on foreign investors and bond traders to ensure their revenue-generating plans are not thwarted.
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