Trump wants the demolition of the American state

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It's time to study Caligula. The most famous of Roman emperors killed what remained of the republic and centralized authority in himself. Donald Trump doesn't need to make his horse a senator; it will be enough to continue to appoint charlatans to major positions in the American state. Rome was not destroyed by foreigners. Its demolition was the work of barbarians from within.
The question of whether Trump deliberately wants to destroy the US federal government is irrelevant. You measure a leader by their actions, not their heart. Judging by what Trump has done in the fortnight since winning the presidency, his path is destruction. Aside from a handful of moderate Republican senators, who may or may not have the courage to reject some of his nominees, there is little standing in his way.
Consider his plans for the Pentagon. Pete Hegseth, Trump's nominee to lead America's sprawling military bureaucracy, was considered too big a security risk in 2021 to protect the Capitol from protesters. Hegseth's tattoos revealed that he was a far-right Christian nationalist. The role of Fox News presenters will be to eliminate generals deemed insufficiently loyal to the emperor.
Or take Matt Gaetz, Trump's pick for U.S. attorney general, who was under investigation by the department he is supposed to lead for suspected sex trafficking of minors (he denies all allegations). Gaetz, a junior lawyer, reportedly won the Mar-a-Lago beauty pageant by declaring, “Yeah, I'm going to go in there and start cutting off fucking heads.” His job will be to go after Trump's enemies.
Now consider Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic lawmaker and follower of an obscure religious cult, who will oversee all 18 U.S. intelligence agencies. Given Gabbard's close affinity with Vladimir Putin's Russia, she is unlikely to obtain a low-level security clearance in normal times. From now on, she will be the keeper of America's most classified secrets. If Gabbard were confirmed as director of national intelligence, America's allies would surely reevaluate whether to share secrets. After Russia invaded Ukraine, Gabbard could be counted on to take up Moscow's arguments. She accused Kamala Harris of being the main instigator of the war in Russia. She also claimed that the United States had a secret network of biological weapons laboratories on Ukrainian soil.
It is a shame that the US government is in dire need of reform. One of the ironies of Joe Biden's presidency is that he has been blocked by the bureaucracy charged with implementing his legislation. Most of the fruits of his misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, which Trump plans to abolish, have yet to materialize. The renewable energy investment bills were not a competition for a system riddled with veto points from the bottom up. The power in Washington belongs to the lawyers, the lawyers and for the lawyers, not the people. This is mainly the work of Democrats.
Yet the strange name of Trump's Department of Government Efficiency (Doge) is not a serious answer to this problem. The fact that it is led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, respectively the richest man in the world and the most self-confident, makes it an oxymoron from the start. Nor will it be a government department. Doge will be the advisory equivalent of X, Musk's social media platform, which is algorithmically rigged to produce misinformation. To seriously reduce American bureaucracy, you have to know what it is for. Musk and Ramaswamy regularly betray total ignorance of their subject.
Americans may come to wish that Trump had nominated a horse to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Instead, he chose Robert F. Kennedy Jr, whose goal is to overturn public science of the past two centuries. He is regularly described as a vaccine skeptic, which is way too kind. RFK Jr was a big vaccine denier long before Covid-19 appeared. Millions of American lives have been saved by mandatory vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, rubella, smallpox, mumps, and more. Kennedy thinks they are all impostors. He is also an activist opposing fluoride in water and big pharmaceutical companies, whose antidepressants he blames for mass shootings in schools.
Optimists point out that the American republic has survived a Trump administration. Additionally, Trump's economic plans risk sparking a new anti-incumbency wave in the next presidential election in 2028. All of this could happen. But what would the next American president inherit? In 2017, Steve Bannon, Trump's chief strategist, said his goal was to deconstruct the administrative state. When Gaetz was nominated last week, Bannon proclaimed it the best day ever. Rome was not built in a day, as they say. But he squandered his mind with remarkable rapidity.
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