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UK plans to scrap warships, helicopters and drones due to reduction of 500m defense capability

UK plans to scrap warships, helicopters and drones due to reduction of 500m defense capability


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The Secretary of State for Defense announced urgent cuts to the British Armed Forces, including the Royal Navy's two amphibious assault ships, one frigate and 31 helicopters.

John Healey has blasted the controversial $22 billion black hole the Conservatives have left in their finances. But the Conservatives warned the cuts were made because Labor refused to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence.

Mr Healey told MPs that Labor should scrap six old defense projects that would save $500 million over the next five years because it inherited a huge legacy from the Conservatives.

We are starting to fix the foundation going forward, he added. For too long, our soldiers, sailors and airmen have struggled with outdated equipment.

The emergency statement surprised lawmakers on Wednesday and left doubts about whether Britain would be able to retake the Falklands if they were invaded again.

The scrapping of HMS Bulwark and HMS Albion left Britain without an amphibious assault ship. Additionally, the frigate HMS Northumberland is due to be decommissioned along with two Wave class tankers as it is beyond economic repair.

Mr Healey said HMS Bulwark and HMS Albion had been ostensibly decommissioned by Tory ministers but were kept on the books at a cost of $9 million a year.

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Healey said difficult decisions had to be made (PA)

The Defense Minister said military leaders agreed with his common-sense decisions that previous governments had failed to take. He added, “This will not be the last difficult decision I will have to make.”

31 helicopters, 14 Chinooks, and 17 Cougars were also permanently suspended. Britain's helicopter replacement program is still several years away. Last year, the military had 294 helicopters.

Also due to be released are the Watchkeeper MK1 drones, which will cost around 5m each but are due to be grounded due to issues.

However, Prime Minister Healy announced new reservations for soldiers who apply for additional service.

He said: I can announce today that we are introducing a new 30,000 reserve for the triple service aircraft engineer cohort from April. [an] 3 years additional service. This affects approximately 5,000 employees in total and is public.

Also, starting from January, 8,000 new reservations will be paid to soldiers who have served for 4 years, supporting 4,000 people annually for 3 years. The total number of troops is 12,000.

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Amphibious ship HMS Bulwark (PA Media)

The government is currently conducting a strategic defense review, so the possibility of further reductions could not be ruled out. There have already been concerns that the troop size will be reduced to 63,000.

Prime Minister Healey refused to confirm whether Storm Shadow missiles supplied by Britain to Ukraine had been used in Russia, following instructions from Tory shadow defense secretary James Cartridge.

He told lawmakers: We cannot provide further operational details at this time. He added: As a country and as a government, we are doubling our support to Ukraine.

On massive defense cuts, Mr Cartlidge said: We've heard it all! Labor calls itself the Defense Party.

He added: They refused to set a path to 2.5%. [of GDP on defence spending] Instead of a passage there is a wound.

He questioned why the decision was made before the Strategic Defense Review was reported. He said: Labor has made its choices and the consequences are theirs.

Lib Dem defense spokesman Richard Foord pointed out that the new Chinook is not due to be launched until 2027 and that the medium-lift helicopters that will replace the Pumas are unlikely to be ready until the start of the next decade.

He said: I am not surprised that the military chiefs agreed to this. It's their job to salute and turn right.

Sir Julian Lewis, former chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee, described the scrapping of the amphibious assault ship as a dark day for the Royal Marines.

Former defense secretary Sir Gavin Williamson was one of several lawmakers who pressured Ukraine to provide old equipment to help it fight Russia.

Meanwhile, leading defense think tank the Royal Allied Studies Institute (Rusi) said the cuts highlight how tight defense budgets are.

Matthew Savill, head of military science at Rusis, said: “Most of these features are ones that are nearing retirement, have low readiness, or are not worth further modification or investment.

But the fact that the Department of Defense is unable or prepared to commit them to cut very little money over five years in the current international environment is indicative of how stretched the Department's resources must be today.

In particular, the Defense Review will be under pressure to set out the future role of the Royal Marines and how the Navy will serve and retain more convoys as the workhorses of the fleet. and the impact on helicopter capacity and procurement.




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