Russia has 'every right' to attack NATO targets now, says retired US colonel

A retired US colonel said Russia had “every right” to attack NATO targets, TASS reports.
Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired colonel who served as chief of staff to former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, made the statement following President Joe Biden's authorization for Ukraine to 'use long-range weapons supplied by Washington to Russia, telling the Russian news agency that Ukraine's launch of ATACMS would not be possible without American assistance.
For months, Ukraine has pushed the Biden administration for authorization to use the Army's Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, to carry out strikes deep into Russian territory. This authorization follows North Korea's deployment of more than 10,000 troops to the Russian front lines.
Wilkerson told TASS: “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [Foreign Minister Sergey] Lavrov was explicit – and rightly so [on the subject]. Satellite signals and/or U.S. and NATO personnel are required to fire these missiles; therefore, NATO entered the war. Thus, Russia has every right under international law to attack NATO targets now. »
Lawrence Wilkerson at a Senate Democratic Policy Committee hearing in 2006. Wilkerson recently told a Russian media outlet that Russia had “every right” to strike NATO targets after Ukraine's use of ATACMS provided by the United States. Lawrence Wilkerson at a Senate Democratic Policy Committee hearing in 2006. Wilkerson recently told a Russian media outlet that Russia had “every right” to strike NATO targets after Ukraine's use of ATACMS provided by the United States. Tom Williams/Associated Press
Newsweek contacted Wilkerson through the Eisenhower Media Network, where he is a senior fellow, and NATO through a form on its website for comment.
In response to a request for comment, the Pentagon said: “DoD has no comment on remarks allegedly made by a private citizen to a Russian media outlet. »
Wilkerson served 31 years in the Army before joining the State Department, where he served as special assistant to Powell as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1989 to 1993, then became chief of staff -Powell's major.
Wilkerson's remarks echoed the Kremlin's views on the issue. In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if the West allowed Ukraine to use long-range weapons, it would mean “direct NATO involvement in the war.”
Russia also issued a warning to Ukraine over its use of ATACMS, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said: “This is, of course, a signal that they want escalation.” We will consider this a qualitatively new phase of Western warfare. against Russia and we will respond accordingly,” Al Jazeera reported.
Biden faced backlash from President-elect Donald Trump's allies over the authorization.
On against Russia. The American people gave a mandate in November. 5th against these latest exact decisions of America and we do NOT want to finance or fight foreign wars. We want to solve our own problems, this has to stop. »
Donald Trump Jr. also condemned Biden's decision, writing on save lives. I have to lock down these billions of dollars. To hell with life!!! Fools!”
Russia also reacted to Biden's clearance announcement, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying: “It is obvious that the outgoing administration in Washington intends to take steps to continue to fuel the fire and cause a further escalation of tensions.”
“If such a decision were actually formulated and announced to the kyiv regime, it would of course be a qualitatively new spiral of tensions and a qualitatively new situation from the point of view of US engagement in the conflict,” he added.
ATACMS, American-made missiles, have a range of 190 miles and are launched from High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, a platform already used by Ukraine.
Ukraine carried out its first strike using ATACMS in Russia on Tuesday, hitting a munitions storage facility near the western Russian town of Karachev in the Bryansk region.
Putin recently lowered the threshold for a nuclear attack and promulgated a new nuclear doctrine to share Russia's nuclear deterrent with its allies.
Putin's new doctrine replaces previous decrees and says Russia's main goal is to exercise nuclear deterrence “against a potential enemy,” adding that Moscow considers the use of nuclear weapons an “extreme measure.” .
The new doctrine also states that Russia is committed to “making all necessary efforts to reduce the nuclear threat” and, in doing so, aims to prevent an escalation of tensions between states that could lead to “military conflicts, including nuclear “.
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