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Texas offers Trump land on US-Mexico border for possible mass expulsions

Texas offers Trump land on US-Mexico border for possible mass expulsions


McALLEN, Texas (AP) Texas is offering a parcel of rural ranch land along the U.S.-Mexico border for use as a staging area for possible mass deportations under President-elect Donald Trump.

The property, which Texas initially purchased last month, is located in rural Starr County in the Rio Grande Valley. Republican Dawn Buckingham, the Texas land commissioner, sent a letter Nov. 14 to Trump extending the offer.

We hear through indirect channels that they are looking at the issue and considering it. But we just want them to know we're a good partner. Were here. We want to be helpful, Buckingham told The Associated Press in an interview Wednesday.

The property does not have paved roads and is in a county with a public hospital and limited local resources. But Buckingham emphasized its location.

We feel like it's actually in a great location. The land is very flat. It is adjacent to major airports. It's also adjacent to a bridge over the river, Buckingham said. So if it's helpful, I'd like to collaborate with the federal government. And if not, keep looking for ways to be helpful to them.

The land deal is the latest illustration of a deep divide between state and local governments over whether to support or resist Trump's plans for mass deportations of migrants living in the United States illegally. On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council voted to become a sanctuary jurisdiction, limiting cooperation with federal immigration authorities in carrying out deportations.

Texas leaders have long supported aggressive measures at the border to restrict crossings, including installing barbed wire fences and passing a law last year that would allow law enforcement to arrest migrants who cross illegally. the border.

By offering this newly acquired 1,400 acre property to the incoming Trump administration for the construction of a facility to process, detain and coordinate what will be the largest deportation of violent criminals in our history country, I remain united with President Donald. Trump will ensure American families are protected, Buckingham said in an earlier statement.

Trump has said he plans to begin his deportation efforts on the first day of his presidency. He frequently attacked illegal immigration during his campaign, linking a record rise in unauthorized border crossings to problems ranging from drug trafficking to high real estate prices.

An estimated 11 million people live in the country illegally. Questions remain about how people would be identified and where they would be held.

The president-elect's transition team did not say whether it would accept Texas' offer, but sent a statement.

From day one, President Trump will mobilize every lever of power to secure the border, protect their communities, and launch the largest mass deportation operation of criminal illegal immigrants in history, Karoline Leavitt, transition spokesperson for Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance. , said Wednesday.

The Texas General Land Office did not disclose how much it paid for the land, but Buckingham said the previous owner resisted creating a border wall.

A 1.5-mile stretch of border wall was built under Republican Gov. Greg Abbott in 2021 on this land. Buckingham said that with the recent purchase, the state created another easement for more border wall construction.




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