Trump's Pentagon pick Hegseth wrote that the US military was taking sides in the civil war | Trump administration

Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump's pick for defense secretary, wrote in a book that he could imagine a scenario in which America's armed forces were used violently in American domestic politics.
Hegseth, a former elite soldier turned right-wing Fox television personality, is Trump's choice to lead the Pentagon which controls the gigantic US military, by far the world's largest armed force.
In one of his five published books, he writes that if the Democrats won the US elections, there would be a national divorce in which the military and police would be forced to make a choice and yes, there would be some form of civil justice. war.
Hegseth's 2020 book urges conservatives to undertake an American crusade, to mock, humiliate, intimidate and crush our left-wing adversaries, to attack first in response to a left he identifies with sedition, and he writes that the book sets out the strategy we must employ. in order to defeat the internal enemies of the Americas.
Hegseth's rhetoric about internal or perceived domestic enemies, as well as media reports highlighting his tattoo of the Crusader motto Deus Vult, could raise alarm bells for those concerned about Donald Trump's repeated threats to liberate the American army, which Hegseth would control directly, against those he controls. described as the enemy within.
The Guardian has contacted the Trump transition team seeking comment from Hegseth.
John Whitehouse, news director at Media Matters for America (MMFA) who followed Hegseth's career at Fox, said Hegseth always gave off a proto-fascist vibe and that what appealed to him was going into Iraq as a crusader, and when that went bad, he began looking at America through the same lens.
Throughout his work, and notably in 2020's American Crusade (AC), Hegseth paints an apocalyptic picture of American politics and encourages his right-wing colleagues to view their opponents as an existential threat.
At various points in this book he describes leftists, progressives, and Democrats as enemies of freedom, the U.S. Constitution, and America, and counts Israel among the international allies who can help defeat these domestic enemies.
Addressing his conservative audience in a chapter of American Crusade titled Make the Crusade Great Again, he writes: Whether you like it or not, you are an infidel and an unbeliever according to the false religion of leftism. He added: You can submit your application now or later; or you can fight.
Later in the book he writes: Build the wall. Raise prices. Learn English. Buy American. Fight.
Elsewhere in American Crusade he writes: The hour is late for America. Beyond political success, its destiny depends on the exorcization of the left specter that dominates education, religion and culture, a 360-degree holy war for the just cause of human freedom.
In the fight, Hegseth wrote: Our weapon is American nationalism, adding: The left has tried to intimidate us into believing that nationalism is a relic of a bygone era.
Hegseth followed his own advice in this regard: His tattoos include the words We the People, cited in the constitution, and a stylized American flag with the lower stripe replaced by an AR-15 assault rifle, according to a report from
When it comes to the media, almost every politician and credentialed pundit, Hegseth advises readers to disdain, despise, hate, distrust, choose your words. But all this must lead to action.
Some actions he recommends resemble forms of disruption and harassment that Trump-aligned activists have inflicted on nonpartisan local government agencies.
Hegseth tells readers: The next time conservative views are suppressed at your local school, organize a free speech sit-in in the lobby of your children's school and make your case, and when local businesses declare gun free zones, remember the second amendment, take your legally owned firearm and dare them to tell you it's not allowed.
Following Trump's defeat in 2020, media outlets noted an increase in right-wing activists openly carrying guns at political protests, and there was a wave of anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-criticism protests of racial theory at school board meetings, with some groups such as Moms for Liberty coordinating efforts to carry out partisan takeovers of school boards.
Hegseth further advises readers: Do you know what local politicians fear most? A cell phone camera facing them.
In January, the Brennan Center for Justice reported that in the three years since the January 6, 2021, insurrection, local and state elected officials had suffered a series of intimidating abuses. Their national survey showed that more than 40 percent of state elected officials and 18 percent of local officials had been threatened or attacked. The numbers jump to 89% of state legislators and 52% of local officials when less serious forms of abuse, insults or harassment such as stalking are included.
Hegseth explicitly rejects democracy in American Crusade, calling it a leftist demand: For leftists, calls for democracy represent a complete rejection of our system. Look at how often they use that word, adding: They hate America, so they hate the Constitution and want to quickly gather 51% of the vote to change it.
He explicitly supports forms of election rigging through gerrymandering. Fair electoral boundaries, he writes, amount to playing nice to appease the so-called middle, which has been a losing strategy for patriots for decades. Since the other side is filled with enemies of liberty, Hegseth argues, Republican legislatures should draw lines in Congress that favor pro-freedom candidates and screw over Democrats.
Hegseth addresses the then-looming election several times in the book, writing at one point: The shock of 2020 will focus on Donald Trump's re-election; but the real conflict, at the heart of it all, is over the soul of America. He writes: Yes, the media and the left machine hate President Trump, but they hate you just as much, if not more.
And while contemplating Trump's defeat, Hegseth says a Biden victory would break the United States and lead to civil war.
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In the first chapter, Our American Crusade, he asserts: The fate of liberty is at stake in the 2020 election. The years that follow will determine, once and for all, whether the American experiment in human liberty, the America that we founded will die, whether it will experience a national divorce based on irreconcilable cultural and political divisions, or whether it will return to its founding principles.
Later in the book, he defines the national divorce as irreconcilable differences between the left and the right in America, leading to perpetual conflict that cannot be resolved through the political process.
The idea of ​​separating America along ideological lines has been a right-wing refrain in the Trump era. In recent days, Marjorie Taylor Greene has renewed calls for a national divorce that would separate blue and red states, in response to Democratic governors who have pledged to oppose aspects of Donald Trump's agenda in his second term after his victory in the 2024 elections.
For Hegseth, such a move would necessarily involve violence.
One of the consequences of a Biden victory, he predicted, would be the decline and death of America. A national divorce will ensue. The lovers of freedom, outnumbered, will fight back.
Hegseth continues: The army and the police, two bastions of freedom-loving patriots, will be forced to make a choice. It won't be good. Yes, there will be some form of civil war.
Hegseth concedes: “It’s a horrible scenario that no one wants but would be difficult to avoid.
Furthermore, he writes: If America is divided, liberty will no longer have an army.
The end of the US military, which he elsewhere calls the only powerful, pro-freedom, pro-Christian, pro-Israeli army in the world, will in turn mean that communist China will rise up and rule the world. Europe will officially surrender. The Islamists will acquire nuclear weapons and seek to wipe America and Israel off the map.
Victory, however, will mean the defeat of the allied forces of globalism, socialism, secularism, environmentalism, Islamism, gender and leftism, according to Hegseth.
Hegseth expresses unwavering loyalty to the man Trump.
At one point in the book, he describes a conversation between the two after Trump, at Hegseth's request, in 2019 pardoned three service members who had been charged or convicted of alleged war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Because of Hegseth, Trump called him before the pardon, and the call ended with a compliment I'll never forget and maybe put on my tombstone: You're a fucking warrior, Pete. A fucking warrior. I thanked him for his courage and he hung up.
Whitehouse, the MMFA's chief information officer, said that although Hegseth had long advocated for defense policy changes, such as ending women in combat roles, Trump chose him because he knew and believed they had a similar connection with conservative media audiences. .
Trump, Hegseth and even JD Vance know that when push comes to shove, they will align with what this right-wing audience wants, he added. Will he disagree with the army's order to attack protesters? It probably depends on what they think the audience wants at that moment.
For his part, Hegseth leaves his readers with the following promise: see you soon on the battlefield. Together, with God's help, we will save America. God Vult!
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