The UK and its allies must stay ahead of the new AI arms race

AI revolutionizing many aspects of life, including national security – The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is calling for AI security research to work with world-leading experts from UK universities, intelligence agencies and industry to strengthen the UK's cyber resilience and support its growth. Announced a new research institute. The new government-initiated research will receive approximately $8 million in initial government funding, and industry will be encouraged to invest in partnerships to support future research.
As technologies advance and threats evolve, NATO must continue to adapt to the world of AI. The Prime Minister of the Duchy of Lancaster is due to speak at the NATO Cyber Defense Conference at Lancaster House on Monday.
To ensure the UK stays ahead of the new AI arms race, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster will announce a new Laboratory for AI Security Research (LASR) to protect the UK and its allies from new threats.
The institute will bring together world-class industry, academic, and government experts to assess the impact of AI on national security.
AI can amplify existing cyber threats, but it can also create better cyber defense tools and provide intelligence agencies with the opportunity to collect, analyze, and produce more useful information.
The AI Security Research Institute will use its catalytic model to attract additional investment and collaboration from industry, supported by an initial $8.22 million in government funding.
Partners include the Department of Foreign Affairs and Development, Department of Science, Innovation and Skills, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), National Cyber Security Centre, MOD Defense Science and Technology Research Institute, Alan Turing Institute, AI Safety Research Institute and universities. Oxford, Queen's University Belfast and Plexal. The Institute will seek collaboration with like-minded partners, starting with the Five Eyes countries and NATO allies.
He will tell cyber and defense experts:
Cyber warfare has now become a daily reality. This is where our defenses are constantly tested. The magnitude of the threat must be matched by the strength of our resolve to fight it and protect our citizens and systems. Seventy-five years after NATO was founded, it is clear that we need it more than ever.
NATO has remained relevant over the past 70 years by continually adapting to new threats. The United States navigated a world of nuclear proliferation and militant nationalism. The transition from the Cold War to drone warfare.
This is the second of the NATO Cyber Defense Conferences and the first to be held in London. The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster would take note:
AI is already revolutionizing many aspects of life, including national security. But as we develop this technology, there is a risk that it could attack us. Because our adversaries are also exploring ways to leverage AI on the physical and cyber battlefield.
And he would say:
Don't doubt it. Britain and the other countries in this room are watching Russia. We know exactly what they are doing and we are responding to their attacks both publicly and behind the scenes.
We know from history that appeasing dictators who carry out attacks on their neighbors only encourages them. Britain learned long ago the importance of standing firm against such behavior.
That is why we support the struggle to decide Ukraine's fate. Putin is a man who wants destruction, not peace. He is trying to deter our support for Ukraine with threats. He won't succeed.
He would also reflect:
Last year, we saw the United States publicly call for countries to use AI to support malicious cyber activities for the first time. In this case, it was North Korea that attempted to use AI to accelerate the development of malware and search for cybersecurity loopholes that could be exploited. It's the first time in North Korea, but it won't be the last.
Alongside the new institute, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster will also announce the new One Million Incident Response project, which will share expertise to help allies respond more effectively to cyber incidents.
Stephen Doughty, Minister for Europe, North America and British Overseas Territories, will also attend the meeting at Lancaster House. He said:
AI has enormous potential. To ensure that it remains a force for good in the world, we must understand the threats and opportunities.
Today we are launching a world-leading new laboratory to strengthen AI security so that the UK and our allies can enjoy the benefits of AI, while detecting, disrupting and deterring adversaries who use AI to undermine our national security and economic prosperity.
LASR continues the pioneering legacy of Alan Turing and builds on the UK's position as the global birthplace of modern computing. This is part of the government’s wider work to improve the UK’s cyber defenses and grow the economy. This includes the upcoming cybersecurity and resiliency bill and the recent designation of data centers as critical national infrastructure.
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