U.S. forces regularly come under attack from militants stationed near the Syrian government airfield.

Georgia National Guard soldiers enter a CH-47 Chinook helicopter during a training mission in western Iraq, Oct. 30, 2024. They are part of a coalition aimed at preventing a resurgence of Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. U.S. forces have been repeatedly attacked by militants in both countries over the past year. (Tyler Becker/US Army)
U.S. forces frequently battle Iran-backed operatives in Syria as they are targets of militant attacks that analysts say were aided by the Syrian government.
Dozens of these rocket, missile and drone attacks have focused on a US strategic base in a gas field in northeastern Syria near the Iraqi border, a de facto territorial dividing point between Iranian-backed forces and the US-led coalition to defeat the Islamic State. band.
The Conoco Mission Support Site has been attacked about 40 times since October 2023, U.S. Central Command said in a statement this month.
Many of these attacks took place in recent months, after U.S. and Iraqi officials announced the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and following Israel's campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Soldiers assigned to the Ohio National Guard's 37th Infantry Brigade fire an M777 howitzer during an exercise at the Conoco Mission Support Site in Syria in December 2022. Conoco has been attacked approximately 40 times since October 2023, US Central Command said. (Julio Hernández/US Army)
Conoco, a dusty outpost about 5 miles from an airfield controlled by the Syrian regime, has become the front line of an Iranian attempt to pressure U.S. forces into leaving Syria entirely, a said Charles Lister, director of the Syria and Counterterrorism and Extremism programs. at the Middle East Institute.
Some attacks appear to have been directly facilitated by the Syrian regime, Lister said, citing unidentified official U.S. sources.
The United States repeatedly responded with artillery strikes, primarily targeting Iranian proxies. But it also hit the positions of the Syrian government, Lister said.
We're not just looking at war in Gaza, nor war in Lebanon, but the United States is actually fully engaged in a hot conflict right now, involving Iranian proxies and the Syrian regime in eastern Syria , Lister said.
On Friday, the Pentagon said U.S. forces had been attacked 125 times in Syria and 79 times in Iraq since October 2023, according to Reuters.
CENTCOM did not respond to Stars and Stripes' previous questions about how often the United States responded to militant attacks and whether Syrian government sites were among those targeted by U.S. artillery fire. or other retaliatory strikes.
Although groups linked to Syrian President Bashar Assad's government have attacked U.S. forces over the past year, the regime has not taken a very active role, said Renad Mansour, senior researcher and director of the Initiative for Iraq at the London-based think tank Chatham House.
An AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter takes off for a July 2024 mission to Irbil Air Base in Iraq. US forces are part of a coalition aimed at preventing a resurgence of the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. military has been repeatedly attacked by militants in both countries over the past year. (Joseph Kumza/US Army)
But the Syrian government and other groups may change their minds as it becomes clear that there is simply no red line for Israel from their perspective, that they too are at war and that Israel will attack the Syrian regime, Mansour said.
A U.S.-led coalition in Iraq and Syria is working to prevent a resurgence of ISIS. About 900 U.S. troops and an undisclosed number of contractors operate in Syria, where they support local Kurdish forces.
An additional 2,500 American troops are present in Iraq, the Department of Defense announced in September. The same month, the White House announced an agreement with Iraq to conclude the U.S. military mission there next year, although it did not specify whether the agreement would involve a complete troop withdrawal.
Some of these attacks in Iraq and Syria over the past year have killed or seriously injured U.S. service members. Eight U.S. service members suffered head injuries and smoke inhalation during a militant drone attack Aug. 9 at the Rumalyn landing zone in northeastern Syria.
Days earlier, four U.S. soldiers and a defense contractor were injured in an Aug. 5 rocket attack on Al Asad Air Base in Iraq.
And three soldiers were killed and dozens more injured in a one-way drone attack on a U.S. outpost in Jordan, just across the border from Syria, on January 28.
Soldiers assigned to the New Jersey National Guard's 44th Infantry Brigade fire an M121 120mm mortar system in northeast Syria, Oct. 16, 2024. U.S. forces were attacked by proxies supported by Iran in Syria more than 120 times during the same period. last year. (Kyle Marr/US Army)
CENTCOM has rarely announced attacks or U.S. retaliation against the groups responsible for them. But earlier this month, the command revealed a series of recent U.S. retaliatory strikes against militias in Syria for attacks on U.S. military personnel and facilities.
These actions included a November 12 strike targeting a weapons bunker and logistics headquarters of an unnamed group mandated by Iran for an attack on U.S. and coalition forces at Patrol Base Shaddadi in the north -eastern Syria.
Last month, the command said the Shaddadi base had been attacked 22 times since October 2023.
The militant attacks and the U.S. response have followed a cyclical, tit-for-tat pattern, said Michael Knights, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute and an expert on military and security affairs in Iran, Iraq and the Gulf states.
For the third time this year, we're probably in a cycle in which (activist groups) are going to continue to push the boundaries, Knights said. And then we're going to break them a few times, and then they're going to stop again for a while. This is where we are currently.
New Jersey National Guard Soldiers assigned to the 44th Infantry Brigade prepare for an exercise alongside the Free Syrian Army in southern Syria, Oct. 27, 2024. The Syrian government has provided support to Iranian-backed militants are attacking U.S. forces in the country, some analysts say. (Scott Maraldo/US Army)
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