Heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures keep parts of the United States in deep cold

LOWVILLE, N.Y. (AP) Heavy snow and sweltering temperatures kept parts of the United States in a deep freeze Sunday as the Thanksgiving weekend draws to a close. Despite the arctic weather, snowmobilers and skiers are reveling in their respective winter terrains, and meteorologists have some good news ahead of the NFL game in Buffalo.
In the remote Tug Hill region of upstate New York, where lake-effect snow off Lake Ontario can dump several feet of snow at a time, there was up to to 46 inches (117 centimeters) in the Barnes Corners area.
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We just keep digging, Kevin Tyo, a local businessman, said Sunday. We were out all day yesterday plowing.
Like many area residents, he has a plow strapped to the front of his truck for much of the winter, and I have a tractor with a bucket and a snow blower.
His advice? If you're not used to it, stay home. If you're away, slow down.
In Buffalo, NFL Bills officials had been looking for stadium snow shovelers for the season, including before Sunday night's game against the San Francisco 49ers. The team said they would pay $20 an hour and provide food and hot drinks.
A lake effect storm began hitting the area Saturday near Bills Stadium in Orchard Park, New York. Snow continued to fall near the stadium just hours before the game, according to the State Weather Risk Communication Center in New York.
Snowfall totals will depend heavily on whether the current lake effect moves just south of the stadium or stays in place longer at the stadium, the center said in a post on the social media site X.
A blast of arctic air late last week brought bitter temperatures 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit below average across the Northern Plains, the National Weather Service said, triggering cold weather advisories for some parts from North Dakota. Frigid air is expected to move across the eastern third of the United States by Monday, with temperatures about 10 degrees below average.
Officials in Erie, Pennsylvania, said Sunday that heavy snowfall caused by lake effect has created dangerous conditions that are stranding even snowplows as they work around the clock to try to clear the city roads.
The city estimated Sunday morning that there were about 100 cars citywide that were blocking roads and had to be towed away so plows could get through.
Commercial vehicles remained banned in both directions of I-90 in western New York for a nearly 134-mile stretch to the Pennsylvania line. The National Weather Service said lake-effect snow was expected to continue east of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario on Sunday, with an additional 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 centimeters) of snowfall possible.
In a phone interview Saturday with WWNY-TV, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said the state had prepared for the storm for days by deploying snow plows and thousands of workers and consulting with public service providers. She also dispatched personnel from other parts of the state to help.
I know this is something they are all used to and can handle, but I want to let them know we are here with reinforcements and make sure everyone can travel safely, especially during this very busy holiday weekend, she said.
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro signed a disaster emergency proclamation Saturday and said parts of northwest Erie County received nearly 3 feet of snow and that Others were expected until Monday evening.
Pennsylvania State Police responded to nearly 200 incidents during a 24-hour period from 6 a.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Saturday, officials said. Officials closed part of I-90 in Pennsylvania and the westbound lanes of the New York Thruway heading into Pennsylvania.
Parts of Michigan have been hit with lake-effect snow, which occurs when warm, moist air rising from a body of water mixes with cold, dry air above. Bands of snow rolling across Lake Superior buried parts of the Upper Peninsula less than 24 inches or more, said Lily Chapman, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Marquette, Michigan.
There was 27 inches (69 centimeters) of snow just northeast of Ironwood in the western Upper Peninsula, and another 2 feet (61 centimeters) in Munising in the eastern area.
Lake-effect snow could add more than a foot (30.5 centimeters) to the eastern Upper Peninsula through Monday morning, with 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 centimeters) or more to the west , Chapman said Saturday.
Gaylord, Michigan, received 24.8 inches (63 centimeters) of snow Friday, setting a new single-day record for the city in a region dotted with ski resorts, said Keith Berger of the Gaylord weather office. The previous record of 17 inches (43 centimeters) was set on March 9, 1942.
The snowfall was good news for Treetops Resort, which has 80 acres (32 hectares) of skiing on 2,000 acres (809 hectares). That solidified the basis that snowmaking machines will ramp up before the resort's season opens next weekend, said recreation director Doug Hoeh.
Obviously when there's this much snow, it's great for snow hills, but it's bad for parking lots, so we're digging in, Hoeh said.
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