AC/DC will begin their US tour in Minneapolis in April

Still in school uniform as he approaches his 70th birthday, Angus Young will see if his old band AC/DC can still pass the test with American audiences, starting in Minneapolis.
The Australian rock legends will open their 2025 North American tour at US Bank Stadium on April 10, another spring booking at Vikings Stadium that can likely be attributed to its weather-resistant roof. Minneapolis is the first stop on a new 13-city itinerary announced Monday for the band's Power Up tour, which kicked off in Europe last summer.
Tickets for the Minneapolis concert go on sale at noon Friday via Ticketmaster. Pricing and pre-sale options are not yet listed for any of the US shows. Tickets for the group's European dates ranged from just over $100 to around $500 in American dollars. The opening act for the US dates will be Pretty Reckless, a Los Angeles-based hard-rock band fronted by former Gossip Girl actress Taylor Momsen.
The 2025 release will be the You Shook Me All Night Long hitmakers' first U.S. tour in nine years, and their first since the 2017 death of Angus' brother, co-founding guitarist Malcolm Young.
Vocalist Brian Johnson, who rejoined the band after the death of Bon Scott for the landmark 1980 album Back in Black, is back in the group after vocal problems led Axl Rose to replace him during a game from the band's 2016 tour. The U.S. tour dates are being spaced out in a way that will help the frontman preserve his voice, according to industry reports.
Johnson and Young are touring with an otherwise remade lineup that includes another family member, guitarist Stevie Young, the nephew of Angus and Malcom. Longtime drummer Phil Rudd and bassist Cliff Williams have both retired from touring in recent years, but they played on AC/DC's final album, 2020's Power Up, a record that set updates the band's sound with modern digital electronics and a move away from old sexual innuendo. . I'm kidding ; it was the same old, same old AC/DC, just as guitar-driven and politically incorrect as ever.
European Trek's set lists featured only one song from Power Up and relied instead on the classics, including Highway to Hell, Thunderstruck, Hells Bells, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, TNT and For These About to Rock ( We Salute You).
The last time AC/DC performed in Minnesota was a sold-out show at the Xcel Center in 2016. The band celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2023.
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