US Economy Poised for 'Solid' Growth in 2025 as America 'Doesn't Import Recessions' (BofA)
The American economy is currently on solid foundations.
Bank of America economists expect it to stay that way through next year.
In a research note released to reporters Monday, BofA's economic team led by Claudio Irigoyen forecasts that the U.S. economy will grow at an annualized rate of 2.4% in 2025, higher than current forecasts for growth by 2%, according to the latest Bloomberg consensus estimates.
This comes despite uncertainties surrounding President-elect Donald Trump's economic policies, including campaign promises of tariffs on imported goods, tax cuts for businesses and restrictions on immigration, which economists view as inflationary .
President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with the House GOP conference, November 13, 2024, in Washington. (Allison Robbert/Pool via AP, File) ASSOCIATED PRESS
These proposals could also hamper economic growth and put pressure on an already bloated federal deficit, further complicating the Federal Reserve's interest rate policy.
Higher interest rates, coupled with hawkish tariff policy, would strengthen the U.S. dollar and create ripple effects on global financial conditions, representing “a major shock, not only to the U.S. economy but to the rest of the world,” according to BofA.
But there is an important caveat: The United States is best prepared to weather any economic storm that follows Trump's agenda.
“We like to say the U.S. imports a lot of things, but it doesn't import recessions,” Aditya Bhave, senior U.S. economist at Bank of America, told Yahoo Finance during another media briefing Monday. . “It only exports recessions.”
Bhave added that any changes in U.S. trade policy “would pose greater risks to the rest of the world than to the United States” because of the economy's resilience compared to other developed countries.
Recent domestic growth trends have been “remarkable,” according to Bhave, and the proof is in the data.
Consumer confidence is at its highest level in 18 months. U.S. economic output hasn't been this strong since April 2022. Retail sales beat estimates for October, the unemployment rate continues to hover around 4%, and inflation has moderated despite its bumpy road up to 2%.
“Today's world is one in which the U.S. economy has consistently outperformed [for] “Europe is in trouble, China is in trouble, so the United States is approaching any potential trade policy disruption on a much firmer footing than Europe and China. I think that fact will not go unnoticed neither for the new administration.
Tariffs, in particular, have been one of the most talked about promises of the Trump campaign. The president-elect has pledged to impose across-the-board tariffs of at least 10% on all trading partners, including 60% tariffs on Chinese imports.
The story continues
If countries retaliate with their own taxes, a tit-for-tat trade war could keep inflation high in the long term.
BofA, however, does not expect this scenario to come true, noting that its “baseline scenario calls for tariffs on China and elsewhere”, and that it expects levies “to be lower ” to what was promised.
The company is “moderately optimistic that a full-blown trade war can be avoided.”
Overall, “tariffs can be very disruptive in terms of capital expenditures” [and] it obviously exports,” Bhave said.
But because the United States imports more goods and services from these countries than it exports, “by definition, tariffs pose a much greater threat to these regions than to the United States.” , added Bhave.
Alexandra Canal is a senior reporter at Yahoo Finance. Follow her on X @allie_canal, LinkedIn and email her at [email protected].
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