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Where is the happiest place to live in the UK? It's not London | move right

Where is the happiest place to live in the UK? It's not London | move right


It may not have the bright lights of London or Edinburgh, or even the celebrity or notoriety of some of Britain's better-known towns and cities.

But in some ways Woodbridge, Suffolk, seems to surpass them all. It is the happiest place to live in England. At least that's the conclusion of a survey conducted by property website Rightmove.

The study, now in its 13th year, was completed by more than 35,000 people across the UK, with residents asked what they thought of their area.

Woodbridge residents scored particularly high on feeling like they could be themselves in the area, the sense of community and friendliness of the people, and access to essential services such as doctors and schools.

The analysis found that pride in living in a particular area was the biggest factor in increasing overall satisfaction with living close to family and friends.

Woodbridge, located on the banks of the River Deben eight miles from the coast, dates back to 1086. The Domesday Book of the time records a small settlement there. It is also close to Sutton Hoo, home to one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the Anglo-Saxon period: a Viking ship used as a burial chamber. The ship has been described as the richest and most intact early medieval tomb in Europe.

A burial ship discovered with abundant grave goods at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk. Photo: De Agostini Picture Library/De Agostini/Getty Images

Woodbridge Mayor Councilor Robin Sanders said the happy mood of the town's residents reflected its vibrant town

Jamie Curran, director of IP Properties in Woodbridge, said: “In my eyes, the amenities Woodbridge offers are second to none. It's amazing that boutiques, coffee shops, public houses and highly rated restaurants are all within walking distance.

The London borough of Richmond Upon Thames came in second, up from first last year, while previous winner Hexham, Northumberland, came in third.

Other findings from the report ranked Monmouth as the best place to live in Wales, while Stirling came first in Scotland.

London ranked in the bottom 40 of the rankings, with Edinburgh 50th, Glasgow 53rd, Birmingham 57th, Aberdeen 62nd and Belfast 66th.

Rightmove's research found that, overall, people in Scotland, Wales and the South West were the most satisfied with where they live, while those in the East and West Midlands were the least happy.

Generation Z (ages 18-24) were the most likely to think they would be happier living elsewhere, while those ages 55 and older were the least likely.

Tim Bannister, property expert at Rightmoves, said: Most likely to say they would be happier living somewhere else is the younger generation, many of whom need to travel to the city to further their education or find their first job.

Research has shown that the types of environments that make residents happiest are rural areas with woodlands or forests, or near national parks or national landscapes.

Home away from home: 20 happiest places to live

Here are the 20 best places to live in 2024, according to Rightmove. The average asking price for a home and average monthly rent are as follows:

Woodbridge, East England, 441,569, 1,478

Richmond Upon Thames, London, 939,329, 3,131

Hexham, North East, 313,147, 840

Monmouth, Wales, 320,974, 1,335

Harrogate, Yorkshire and Humber, 394,312, 1,439

Skipton, Yorkshire and Humber, 263,479, 1,030

Sevenoaks, South East, 881,061, 2,924

Leigh on Sea, East England, 465,542, 1,796

Cirencester, South West, 384,013, 1,495

Wokingham, South East, 590,949, 2,120

Winchester, Southeast, 578,760, 2,069

Stirling, Scotland, 214,441, 1,227

Stratford-upon-Avon, West Midlands, 413,115, 1,604

Horsham, South East, 458,641, 1,983

Kendall, North West, 285,645, 966

Kensington and Chelsea, London, 1,667,573, 5,345

Chorley, North West, 197,199, 883

Hove, South East, 555,193, 1,993

Wandsworth, London, 865,205, 3,159

Hitchin, East England, 510,612, 1,730




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