House hearing with Secret Service turns into screaming match | Secret service

A hearing examining the Secret Service's response to assassination attempts against Donald Trump was derailed Thursday, when a fight broke out between the agency's acting director, Ronald Rowe, and a Republican representative.
The hearing, held by the House task force established shortly after the first assassination attempt on Trump in July, was intended to explore steps the Secret Service has taken to improve security measures for protected persons, but Pat Fallon , a Republican from Texas, made the decision. Rowe's questioning in a different direction.
Fallon posted an enlarged photo of a 9/11 commemoration in New York, which Joe Biden and Trump attended earlier this year. Fallon accused Rowe, who stood directly behind Biden and Kamala Harris in the photo, of replacing the special agent in charge that day and endangering the president's security for the sake of a session photo.
Rowe responded that the special agent in charge had just disappeared from view in the photos and he attacked Fallon for politicizing the 9/11 attacks.
I actually responded to Ground Zero. There I was, digging through the ashes of the World Trade Center, Rowe said.
I'm not asking you that, Fallon interrupted, raising his voice. Were you the special agent in charge?
Rowe responded: I was there to show respect to a member of the Secret Service who died on 9/11.
Fallon suggested that Rowe, who is not expected to remain director once Trump takes office in January, was better positioned to audition for the role in case Harris won the presidency.
Don't invoke 9/11 for political purposes, Rowe told Fallon.
I'm not, Fallon replied. He accused Rowe: You endangered the lives of President Biden and the lives of Vice President Harris, because you put these agents out of position.
Rowe denied the accusation, telling Fallon: You're out of line.
The committee's chairman, Republican Mike Kelly, banged his gavel repeatedly until the shouting persisted. The heated exchange comes as the Secret Service faces scrutiny over its security practices, which drew widespread condemnation after the assassination attempt on Trump.
The agency was pilloried for failing to take proper security measures at Trump's campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a gunman injured and fatally shot the then-presidential candidate a participant named Corey Comperatore. Rowe's predecessor, Kimberly Cheatle, resigned amid bipartisan criticism of her agency's handling of security at the rally.
At Thursday's hearing, Rowe described the events surrounding the assassination attempt as an abject failure.
July 13 was a failure by the Secret Service to adequately secure the Butler Farm Shows site and protect President-elect Trump, Rowe said. This abject failure exposed critical deficiencies in Secret Service operations, and I recognize that we have failed to meet the expectations of the American public.
Rowe offered his condolences to the Comperatores family and outlined a series of changes his agency had implemented since the July attack, including creating an aerial unit for drone surveillance of protection sites and streamlining communication with local authorities.
Let's be clear: There will be accountability, and that accountability is happening, Rowe told the task force. It is essential that we recognize the seriousness of our failure. Personally, I carry the weight of knowing that we almost lost a protected person and that our failure cost the lives of a father and his husband.
Since its creation in July, the task force has conducted 46 interviews and reviewed approximately 20,000 pages of documents, Kelly reported Thursday. The working group is expected to release a final report on its findings in the coming days.
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