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Storm Darragh Live: Further disruption expected across the UK as strong winds continue | uk weather

Storm Darragh Live: Further disruption expected across the UK as strong winds continue | uk weather


Millions of people have been warned to brace for further disruption as strong winds continue across the UK.

Millions of Britons have been warned to brace for further disruption as stronger winds are set to sweep across the UK following Storm Darragh.

Northern Ireland was exposed to wind gusts of up to 80mph overnight, with a yellow wind warning issued by the Met Office at 6am. More broadly, wind gusts of 35 to 45 mph are likely inland and could reach 70 mph around the coast in the morning.

The Met Office said this meant further travel disruptions and power outages were likely until 6pm.

Storm Darragh brought wind gusts of up to 93mph to parts of the country on Saturday, warning millions to stay indoors, tens of thousands without power and train cancellations.

The Met Office said heavy rain was expected to continue across central and eastern England throughout Sunday, with 20 to 25 mm of rain expected to fall across most parts of the country. Up to 60mm could fall in the highlands of the Cheviots, Pennines and North York Moors.

On Saturday, two men were killed when a tree fell and hit their vehicle. West Midlands Police said the latest victim died after a tree fell and hit his car on Silver Birch Road, Eddington, on Saturday afternoon. A man died after a tree fell on his van in Lancashire earlier today.

The government's risk-to-life warning came into effect at 1am on Saturday and was sent to people within areas covered by the Met Office's rare red warning for winds in parts of Wales and south-west England.

The Energy Networks Association said 259,000 customers across England, Scotland and Wales were without power as of Saturday evening. They say 80% of homes damaged by the storm have been reconnected.

The Environment Agency issued 64 flood warnings for England on Sunday morning, meaning flooding is expected, while Natural Resources Wales said 25 flood warnings had been issued.

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The worst of the storm has passed, but damage is still being felt across the country. Here are some images of the day from the news agency:

A person walks through floodwaters in Greyfriars Avenue, Hereford, Herefordshire, on Sunday. Photograph: Jacob King/PA Water flooded properties next to the River Wye in Hereford after Storm Darragh tore through the UK and Ireland. Photograph: Jacob King/PAA A dog walker clears steps over a fallen tree on a road in Swainshill, Herefordshire. Photograph: Jacob King/PAA A flood warden pushes a boat through floodwaters in Hereford, Herefordshire. Photo: Jacob King/PAShare

The Energy Networks Association said around 200,000 customers were without power as of 9am on Sunday due to the impact of Storm Darragh.

Authorities said 88% of customers affected by the storm have been reconnected.

ShareRail services face further disruption as Storm Darragh continues.

South Western Railway said services in Surrey between Guildford and Effingham Junction and through Farncombe were facing delays or changes until Sunday afternoon due to trees blocking the track. Customers were advised to book taxis directly in nearby Epsom, the Pennsylvania News Agency reported.

Avanti West Coast said all routes between Wolverhampton and Stafford were closed due to trees and disruption was expected until the end of the day.

A number of Welsh transport services remain suspended and operators are advising customers not to travel on Sunday.

Ferry company Wightlink said the 10am and 12pm sailings from Portsmouth to Fishbourne and the 11am and 1pm sailings in the opposite direction had been cancelled.


The Environment Agency still has more than 50 flood warnings in place, meaning flooding is expected, and as of Sunday morning there were more than 130 flood warnings in place across England.

Natural Resources Wales has issued nine flood warnings and 20 flood alerts.

A van drives through floodwaters in Bredwardine, Herefordshire, on Sunday. Photo: Jacob King/PAShare

An update from National Grid shows 144,858 homes across the South West, South Wales and Midlands were still without power as of 8am today.

It is said that as strong winds continue, there remains a risk that transmission lines will collapse and electric poles will fall.


Updated on 06.57 EST

In London, Storm Darragh continues to wreak havoc across the capital, but a festive mood is in the air as Winter Wonderland reopens following a safety assessment.

Due to safety concerns it closed yesterday over the peak Christmas visitor weekend, but reopened from 11am today.

All Royal Parks in London were closed on Saturday due to bad weather. Some areas are closed for safety reasons.

Transport for London services at Victoria Station are also being disrupted. Ground services between Romford and Upminster are suspended due to trees on the tracks.

A cable car over the River Thames in London has been shut down for the second day in a row due to strong winds.

This means regular services between Greenwich Peninsula and Royal Victoria Dock are currently not running.


Updated on 06.57 EST

robin winter

A second man has died in Storm Darragh after his vehicle was hit by a falling tree, police said, as weather warnings remain in place across the UK, my colleague Robyn Vinter writes.

Wind gusts neared 100 mph in parts of the United States on Saturday, and more than a quarter of a million people were without power in western England and Wales.


Some images of Llandudno Pier, north Wales.

A kiosk on the docks in Llandudno, north Wales, was seen damaged on Sunday. Photograph: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images The kiosk looks like it's about to fly out to sea. Photo: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty ImagesShare

National Rail said in an update at 9.53am that the Darragh storm and severe weather continued to cause significant disruption to rail routes in England, Wales and Scotland.

Customers are encouraged to check for updates before traveling.


Updated on 05.29 EST

Our photo editors captured some of the destruction caused by Storm Darragh here:


London's Victoria train station experienced a significant disruption to services this morning, according to National Rail.

Southeastern and Thameslink services are currently being diverted and major disruptions are expected until the end of the day.

Passengers at Victoria Station on Sunday. Photo: Minah Kim/ReutersShare

Updated on 04.58 EST

In Northern Ireland, train routes have reopened but thousands of homes have been left without power due to Storm Darragh.

Wind gusts of up to 70 mph caused significant damage to the region's electric network, leaving 48,000 customers without power at the height of the storm.

Country Antrim was the most affected, with power generation temporarily halted at EP Ballylumford power station on Saturday after dozens of roads were blocked by damaged chimneys and fallen trees.

Additionally, a bus crashed near Belfast International Airport and a loyalist mural was damaged in north Belfast.

On Sunday morning, public transport provider Translink said all rail lines were open, although some speed restrictions were in place.

NIE Networks said 15,000 people were without power as of 9am. It said it could take several days to reconnect those customers.

Millions of people have been warned to brace for further disruption as strong winds continue across the UK.

Millions of Britons have been warned to brace for further disruption as stronger winds are set to sweep across the UK following Storm Darragh.

Northern Ireland was exposed to wind gusts of up to 80mph overnight, with a yellow wind warning issued by the Met Office at 6am. More broadly, wind gusts of 35 to 45 mph are likely inland and could reach 70 mph around the coast in the morning.

The Met Office said this meant further travel disruptions and power outages were likely until 6pm.

Storm Darragh brought wind gusts of up to 93mph to parts of the country on Saturday, warning millions to stay indoors, tens of thousands without power and train cancellations.

The Met Office said heavy rain was expected to continue across central and eastern England throughout Sunday, with 20 to 25 mm of rain expected to fall across most parts of the country. Up to 60mm could fall in the highlands of the Cheviots, Pennines and North York Moors.

On Saturday, two men were killed when a tree fell and hit their vehicle. West Midlands Police said the latest victim died after a tree fell and hit his car on Silver Birch Road, Eddington, on Saturday afternoon. A man died after a tree fell on his van in Lancashire earlier today.

The government's risk-to-life warning came into effect at 1am on Saturday and was sent to people within areas covered by the Met Office's rare red warning for winds in parts of Wales and south-west England.

The Energy Networks Association said 259,000 customers across England, Scotland and Wales were without power as of Saturday evening. They say 80% of homes damaged by the storm have been reconnected.

The Environment Agency issued 64 flood warnings for England on Sunday morning, meaning flooding is expected, while Natural Resources Wales said 25 flood warnings had been issued.

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