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US strikes ISIS in Syria amid Assad's fall

US strikes ISIS in Syria amid Assad's fall


The US Central Command (CENTCOM) carried out dozens of airstrikes on Sunday against camps and known ISIS members in central Syria to prevent the terrorist organization from profiting from the fall of the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad .

After the Assad family ruled Syria for more than 50 years, Assad was forced to flee Syria to Russia, where he was granted asylum, when a coalition of largely radical Islamist groups carried out a vast offensive across Syria and captured the country's capital.

CENTCOM announced Sunday that it had carried out strikes against ISIS leaders, members and camps as part of an ongoing mission to “disrupt, degrade and defeat ISIS.”

Specifically, CENTCOM works to prevent the terrorist group from carrying out operations to ensure that ISIS does not seek to take advantage of the current situation to reconstitute itself in central Syria.

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US CENTCOM has carried out strikes in Syria against ISIS targets and operatives amid the fall of the Assad regime. (Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

During the operation, CENTCOM forces struck more than 75 targets using U.S. Air Force assets such as B-52s, F-15s and A-10s.

Damage assessments are currently underway, CENTCOM said, and there is no indication that civilians were killed during the operations.


A masked Islamic State soldier poses holding the IS flag. (History/Universal Images group photos via Getty Images)

CENTCOM also said it would continue, along with regional allies and partners, to conduct operations aimed at hindering ISIS's operational capabilities during this “dynamic period in Syria.”

“There should be no doubt: we will not allow ISIS to reconstitute itself and take advantage of the current situation in Syria,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla. “All organizations in Syria must know that we will hold them accountable if they associate with or support ISIS in any way.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement Sunday that the Syrian people “finally have reason to hope,” adding that the United States “strongly supports a peaceful transition of power to a responsible Syrian government” through of an inclusive process led by Syria. .


In this photo published on November 9, 2019 by the official Syrian news agency SANA, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad speaks in Damascus, Syria. (SANA via AP)

“The Assad regime's refusal since 2011 to engage in a credible political process and its reliance on brutal support from Russia and Iran have inevitably led to its own collapse,” Blinken said. “During this transition period, the Syrian people have every right to demand the maintenance of state institutions, the resumption of key services and the protection of vulnerable communities.”

The secretary of state also said the United States would closely monitor developments in the region and support international efforts to hold the Assad regime and its supporters accountable for “atrocities and abuses” committed against the Syrian people.

Blinken noted that the atrocities included the use of chemical weapons.


“We have noted the statements made by rebel leaders in recent days, but as they assume greater responsibilities, we will evaluate not only their words, but also their actions,” Blinken said. “We once again call on all actors to respect human rights, take all precautions to protect civilians and uphold international humanitarian law. »

Michael Lee of Fox News Digitals contributed to this report.

Greg Wehner is a breaking news reporter for Fox News Digital.

Tips and story ideas can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter @GregWehner.




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