Reform UK is poised to oust Keir Starmer with 'bridge' tactics as he looks to win power in 2029.

Reform Britain will win the next general election by dominating its economic agenda, a Conservative defector claims.
It comes as Nigel Farage's party leads Labor in opinion polls for the first time.
Until now, immigration has been a public goal of reform. Because voters punish the two major parties for not being able to reduce their numbers.
During the 14 years the Conservatives were in power, the number of illegal boat crossings increased significantly.
Since records began in 2018, more than 100,000 people have crossed the Channel in small boats.
The situation did not improve even after Labor came to power. More than 20,000 migrants arrived in small boats.
Nigel Farage's party has surpassed Labor in an opinion poll for the first time.
Nigel Farage
This is a big issue for voters, with 39% of UK voters seeing it as a major issue as of early 2024.
These figures are even higher among Conservative and Leave voters, with 65% and 64% respectively citing immigration as their main concern.
In fact, it was the Conservative Party's poor handling of the immigration issue that prompted Tim Montgomerie to join in on reform for the first time in 33 years earlier this week.
Montgomerie told GB News the reforms must continue this line of attack against Labor and his existing party.
“The reforms have received so much support that it is important that we continue to hammer this issue,” he said.
But Montgomery believes it was Starmer's terrible record on the economy that brought his new party to power.
He explained it this way: “It will become increasingly clear that Labor will fail economically. We already have a dark cloud hanging over the economy from the Budget.
“So Reforms need an economic agenda that will appeal to people who have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. This economic agenda will be crucial in helping Reform bridge the gap between being a successful opposition party and potentially becoming a government party. “
Latest member status
The reforms propose a freeze on what is described as non-essential immigration.
What is the economic agenda of PA reform?
Reform UK sets out a number of economic policies in its manifesto, which it calls its “Contract with the British People”.
It primarily focuses on reducing state intervention, promoting business freedom, and directly addressing public concerns about the impact of taxes and immigration on the economy.
On taxation, which deputy leader Richard Tice said British people were “struggling to feel the burden of”, Reform UK would raise the income tax threshold to 20,000, meaning around six million people would not pay income tax. We plan to effectively eliminate it. This policy is intended to increase spending power and stimulate economic activity.
The reforms propose a freeze on non-essential immigration. This includes tightening rules on work visas and specific policies to increase national insurance premiums to 20% for employers hiring foreign workers, excluding health, social care and small businesses.
The feasibility and potential consequences of these policies will be scrutinized more closely as the next general election approaches.
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