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Physicians on whether adults should be vaccinated against influenza and its effectiveness against Covid-19

Physicians on whether adults should be vaccinated against influenza and its effectiveness against Covid-19


Recommended by certain medical institutions like the Indian Academy of Paediatrics, and even states like Maharashtra Influenza vaccine For children under 5 to develop immunity COVID-19.. But now some doctors have also recommended the same for adults. But is influenza vaccination effective against Covid-19? And how is the flu vaccine different from covid jab?

I contacted an expert for more information. This is what they had to say:

What is a flu shot?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the flu vaccine protects you from the flu and many other illnesses.During ~ COVID Pandemic, Additional flu illness only adds a problem. “Therefore, according to the CDC, the flu vaccine itself does not directly protect against Covid-19, but it can protect against other types of flu and thus prevent the burden of illness. Also, someone is infected with both flu and Covid. , In which case the morbidity or mortality rate may increase, “says Dr Manish Mannan of HOD Pediatrics and Neonatal Science at Paras Hospitals Gurugram.

A March 2021 study conducted at the Healthcare System in Michigan, USA, found that retrospective studies from February to July 2020 found that people vaccinated against influenza were less susceptible to positive test results. People who test positive are less likely to get serious illness and are less concerned about hospitalization.

“Therefore, we need more data on whether the flu vaccine directly prevents Covid, but the symptoms of normal flu, flu, and Covid are so similar that we should protect people from at least one illness. You can, “he says. Mentioned.

How does the flu vaccine help boost immunity?

Research data from Michigan suggest that influenza vaccines may play a role in protecting against Covid, but there are also entities known as the “off-target effects” of the vaccine. Dr. Mannan described specific immunomodulatory effects beyond protection against targeted diseases.

Patients who received the flu or the flu vaccine were found to have a 24% lower chance of testing for Covid-19. American Journal of Infection Control February 2021. “But no significant differences were observed in terms of mortality or intensive care unit use. According to investigators, until’. COVID-19 vaccine When widely available, influenza vaccines should be promoted to reduce the burden of illness during this pandemic, “emphasized Dr. Sudip Chowdhury, a pediatrician at Columbia Asia Hospital in Parambihar, Gurgaon.

Group immunity, what is group immunity,, Indian group immunity, vaccination can promote group immunity,, indianexpress, how to achieve group immunity, The off-target effect of the vaccine is when a non-specific immunomodulatory effect is observed beyond the protection against the target disease (source: express photo by Amit Chakravarthy).

Is influenza vaccination a good measure against Covid?

The cause of influenza H1N1 Viruses and Covid are caused by Coronavirus.. “Covid and flu diseases have respiratory symptoms of coriza cough, but it is difficult to predict that a vaccine against the flu virus will prevent covid. Both are different and require different defense mechanisms. Sribara Dr. Irvine Agarwal, Senior Internal Medicine Consultant at The Action Medical Institute, said:

So who can get a flu shot?

According to the US CDC, Dr. Large Kumar, a senior consultant at the Indian Spinal Injuries Center, influenza “I recommend shots for everyone over 6 months, but the protection they offer varies from season to season.”

“It also depends on the age and health of the recipient, and the similarity between the virus in the vaccine and the virus that is prevalent in the season, even if the influenza vaccine and the circulating virus have a good match. The effect may vary depending on factors such as the health and age of the recipient. Last year, when pandemics were affecting people, many doctors gave flu vaccines to patients to avoid reinfection. A comprehensive study of how well they worked is needed. Influenza vaccines may reduce the likelihood of influenza-like symptoms in people infected with Covid-19, but with influenza vaccines. There are other symptoms and complications that may not work, which is why people have to get the Covid vaccine, “says Dr. Rajkumar.

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