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Experts suggest ways to manage diabetes among the younger generation

Experts suggest ways to manage diabetes among the younger generation


According to a report from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2019, India has about 77 million diabetics and about 43 million undiagnosed diabetics in the age group of 20-79 years. This metabolic disorder has recently increased in all age groups, but the incidence in young adults has increased by 5-10%, said Dr. Ashtoshgoyal, senior consultant for endocrinology at Paras Hospital in Gurgaon. I am.

He added that experts have witnessed an increasing footprint of young and middle-aged patients (20-50 years) with OPD who present with diabetes. “This exponential growth of India’s population is primarily due to poor lifestyles such as unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise leading to weight gain,” he said.

In addition, blockade restrictions and remote work from home pose various challenges. Some people have made positive changes in their lifestyle, such as attending different types of training, while others have physical activity due to long working hours at home, poor sleep, increased stress, and irregular dietary patterns. Some had to limit it. ..

Main risk factors

The main risk factors for diabetes in young and middle-aged adults are:

Family history of diabetes
Lack of physical activity
Smoking and excessive drinking
Lack of sleep
Increased stress
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
History of PCOS or gestational diabetes


People with diabetes usually experience these symptoms alone or in combination.

Frequent urination: Frequent urination increases when the body tries to excrete excess glucose from the body.
Increased thirst: Excessive urination increases dehydration or thirst.
Fatigue and fatigue: Insufficient intracellular sugar results in less energy in the body.
Weight Loss: Because cells cannot absorb enough glucose, fat is burned by the body for energy, leading to weight loss.


Reduce refined carbs and sugar: Eating foods high in sugar and carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels and ultimately cause diabetes. Instead of refined carbohydrates, it is advisable to choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oatmeal, and vegetables.

Quit smoking: Smoking causes insulin resistance and can cause type 2 diabetes. Smoking cessation can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Regular exercise: It is important to stay active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Try to do physical activity such as walking, swimming, cycling and yoga for at least 30 minutes each day. However, if you have too much smog or pollution outdoors, you should refrain from outdoor activities.

Consume a sufficient amount of fiber: A good dietary fiber intake is good for weight management and intestinal health. A sufficient amount of dietary fiber can prevent insulin and blood sugar spikes.

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