How to soothe your sunburn if accidentally exposed to the sun
Anyone who has ever experienced a sunburn will know how painful it is.
Perhaps there was a risk of not reapplying because I missed a patch of skin with SPF, it wasn’t so clear, or I forgot completely.
The NHS describes sunburns as red, hot, and skin pain caused by excessive sunlight, which may come off after a few days. They explain that they should get better within seven days.
However, if you feel unwell, have severe swelling on your skin, or have blisters, you should seek medical help.
Prevention is always the best way to avoid long-term skin damage. You should spend time in the shade only when the sun is strongest. In the UK this is from 11 am to 3 pm from March to October.
The NHS recommends that you use at least a factor 30 sunscreen.
If you are suffering from sunny weather and consequently suffering, there are several ways to soothe your sunburn.
1. Get out of the sun
As a starting point, look for a shade as soon as you notice it has burnt. Even if you put on a lot of sunscreen, you can’t get rid of it. Burnt skin does not receive further sunlight, so if you are outside, move under trees or indoors.
2. Wear cool and loose clothing
Choose cool, loose-fitting garments, covered with tightly woven items to prevent further burns. Ideally it is too large to prevent skin deterioration. According to the NHS, it is important to cover sunburned skin with direct sunlight until the skin is completely healed.
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3. Rehydrate
On a hot day, it’s important to stay hydrated at all times. Especially if you have a sunburn. Drinking a lot of water makes it easier to get cold and helps prevent dehydration.
4. Relieve pain
It might be ridiculous to be in this position, but you don’t have to be a martyr. It is medically recommended to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to relieve discomfort.
5. Cool the bath or shower
Slide into a bath filled with cold water or cool the shower to soften the burning sensation and lower your body temperature.
6. Use moist compression
You can’t lie in a cold bath forever (this can dry your skin). Try wearing a cold damp T-shirt or a cold compress. If your shoulders hit the sun, your back becomes a feast.
Some people also swear by a cold, damp tea bag placed on their skin. Do not place ice or packs of ice on your tanned skin. It can be damaged and causes pain.
7. Apply After Sun
Your local pharmacy should have a good selection of after-sun lotions designed to cool, soothe and heal tanned skin (although cell damage has already been done). The chilled and packed aloe vera is especially soothing.
Then contact your GP …
I am worried if I have blistered or swollen skin, very high temperature, heat stroke or heat stroke, or a sunburned child or baby.
of NHS has this advice How to prevent future sunburn:
Who should pay special attention in the sun?
You should be especially careful in the sun if:
- Have pale, white, or light brown skin
- Freckles or red or fair hair
- More prone to burns than sunburn
- There are many moles
- Have skin problems associated with the condition
- Only occasionally exposed to the strong sun (for example, on vacation)
- In a hot country where the sun is particularly strong
- Family history of skin cancer
People who spend long hours in the sun, whether at work or play, are at increased risk of skin cancer if proper precautions are not taken.
Darkened skin has some protection from UV radiation, so people with natural brown or dark skin are less likely to develop skin cancer. However, skin cancer can still occur.
The Cancer Research UK website has tools that allow you to: Find out your skin type Check when there is a risk of burns.
Swimming and sunscreen
The water will wash out the sunscreen and the cooling effect of the water can make you feel as if you were not burned. Water also reflects ultraviolet (UV) light, increasing exposure.
If you may sweat or come in contact with water, use a water resistant sunscreen.
Despite being “water resistant”, sunscreen should be reapplied immediately if it has been soaked in water, dried with a towel, sweated, or if it may have been rubbed off.
Kids and sunscreen
Take special care to protect babies and children. Their skin is much more sensitive than adult skin, and the damage caused by repeated exposure to sunlight can lead to skin cancer in later life.
Children under 6 months should avoid direct sunlight.
In the UK from March to October, your child must do the following:
- Cover with appropriate clothing
- Spend in the shade, especially from 11am to 3pm
- Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen
Apply sunscreen to areas not protected by clothing, such as the face, ears, feet, and the back of your hands.
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How to apply sunscreen
Most people don’t wear enough sunscreen.
As a guide, adults aim to apply around the following:
- 2 teaspoons sunscreen if only covering head, arms and neck
- 2 tablespoons when wearing a swimsuit and covering the entire body
If the sunscreen is applied too thin, the protection provided by the sunscreen will be compromised.
If you are worried that you haven’t applied enough SPF 30, you can use a higher SPF sunscreen.
If you plan to be in the sun long enough to risk your sunburn, sunscreen should be applied twice:
- 30 minutes before going out
- Just before going out
Sunscreen should be applied to all exposed skin, including the face, neck, ears, and, if thin or hairless, the head, but a wide-brimmed hat is preferred.
Sunscreens should be reapplied adequately and often according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
This includes applying it immediately after soaking it in water, even if it is “water resistant”, or if it may have been towel dried, sweated, or rubbed.
It is also advisable to reapply your sunscreen every two hours, as sunlight can dry out your skin.
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