British Institute Avoids Pharmaceutical Industry To Sell Potential Viral Vaccine
London—A prominent British institute has a special partnership. This means avoiding the pharmaceutical industry and selling potential vaccines against coronavirus in the UK and low- and middle-income countries without profits or license fees.
Scientists, non-profit groups, and public health experts call for successful vaccines to combat pandemics to be delivered at the lowest possible cost, based on need, not benefit. But commercial drug giants and biotechnology start-ups have dominated development competition, a key market because of their high drug prices, especially in the United States.
British College in Imperial College LondonRobin Shattock, the project’s chief scientist, said the technology could change that because it could develop a vaccine that is cheaper and easier to manufacture than others.
If successful, the low cost of vaccines could appeal to large donor organizations that typically supply the low-income countries that make up the majority of the world, he said. Wealthier countries can also offer cheaper alternatives.
“If the mass market doesn’t support it, someone developing a very expensive product will actually eventually lose it,” said Shattock.
If clinical trials begin this month and the vaccine proves to be safe and effective, the first dose will be available early next year.
To make the vaccine as widely and cheaply available as possible, Professor Shattock said Imperial College is creating what is called a “social enterprise.”
Imperial College has established a partnership with Hong Kong-based investment firm Morningside Ventures. The new entity is called VacEquity Global Health.
Morningside Ventures is T.H. Founded by the Chan Family, which is also a major contributor to Harvard Public Health Institute.
Imperial College has committed to providing VacEquity Global Health with vaccines in the UK and low- and middle-income countries at the lowest possible cost. VacEquity collaborates with specialized pharmaceutical companies in a process similar to manufacturing and selling generics.
The new company may charge higher prices in wealthy countries such as the United States, Singapore, and Persian Gulf monarchies.
A clinical trial of 300 participants in the UK-a rare combination of Phases 1 and 2-will begin on June 15. When showing that the drug is safe, Imperial College will run a 6,000 participant phase in October to test the efficacy of the vaccine. The location of the later phases depends on where the virus is currently spreading rapidly.
Imperial College uses new technology that has never produced a licensed vaccine to date. Described as self-amplifying RNA, it was pioneered by Professor Shattock in decades of research. Vaccines consist of specially designed genetic material (RNA) that direct muscle cells in the body to produce the characteristic “spike” proteins on the surface of coronaviruses.
If the vaccine is successful, these proteins trigger an immune response that kills the virus.
Moderna, a biotechnology company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has begun clinical trials of a vaccine using a similar technology called messenger RNA. The US government has agreed to give Moderna $483 million to advance its research, and the company’s shares have been sent in response to a positive result report early in the trial. Soar..
Imperial College’s self-amplifying RNA vaccine requires much lower doses (50-100 times less) than the Moderna vaccine, which can significantly reduce the cost per dose, Shatock said. Also, Imperial College vaccines require smaller, cheaper manufacturing facilities than vaccines using other technologies, such as those that use neutralized or modified versions of existing viruses,
The UK Government has provided over $50 million in funding to Imperial College efforts and has raised $5 million from other donors.
Oxford University Initiating Alternative Phase 3 Clinical Trials Potential vaccine, Tried another approach to low cost distribution. The university has reached an unusual agreement with British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, which has promised to distribute futile and potential vaccines during the pandemic.
AstraZeneca has already received Hundreds of millions Before the US government, UK government, and major non-profit organizations have begun manufacturing 2 billion potential Oxford vaccines and demonstrating their efficacy
If demand persists after the pandemic declines-probably as a seasonal virus-AstraZeneca says it may try to profit from the sale of the vaccine.
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