Live recap of the day 5 finals
2022 USA World Championship Trials
We have come to the final session of the 2022 USA International Trials. The World Championship team is nearly complete, but tonight’s session will determine who will represent Team USA in the final six events. Olympic champions Katie Ledecky and Bobby Finke are the big favorites in the women’s 1,500 freestyle and men’s 800 freestyle, respectively, but there will be a competition for second place in each race.
It’s going to be an exciting race in the women’s 200 IM, with Alex Walsh, Beata Nelson and Leah Hayes all capable of taking home the prize. The 200 IM could be a repeat of the 400 IM final, pitting Olympic 400 IM gold medalist Chase Kalisz against his young protege, Carson Foster.
We’ll end with the 50 freestyle final, where top seed Abbey Weitzeil is hoping to make the team. But she will have to beat a slew of young sprinters Erika Brown, Kate Douglass and Claire Curzan who all qualified ahead of her. Finally, we will have another match between Caeleb Dressel and Michael Andrew in the men’s 50 freestyle. Andrew qualified .03 faster, but Dressel is the American record holder for the event.
Saturday, April 30 Fastest heat in the women’s 1500m freestyle
Katie Ledecky, alone 15:38.99 Katie Grimes, Sandpipers of Nevada 15:51.36 Bella Sims, Sandpipers of Nevada 16:15.87 Claire Weinstein, Sandpipers of Nevada 16:22.78 Michaela Mattes, Sarasota 16:23.44 Elise Bauer, Florida 16:33.48 Madelyn Donohoe , Virginia 16:34.31 Sierra Schmidt, Scottsdale Aquatic Club 16:36.06
For the 15th time in her career, Katie Ledecky swam under 15:40 in the 1500m freestyle. This time she went in 15:38.99 to beat runner-up Katie Grimes by 12.4 seconds. Ledecky has held mostly 1:01-low-to-medium over her 100 years, swimming alone in clear water from around 300 yards.
Grimes clocked a personal best 15:51.36 to finish second. She came out fast and edged Ledecky at 50, but that was the only time she led during the 30-length race. Grimes held 3:100 and increased his lead over the rest of the field with every 50.
Her Sandpipers teammate Bella Sims was third at 16:15.87. She had battled Michaela Mattes for much of the race, but ran down her final 500 meters and left Mattes in her wake.
Fourth place overall went to Claire Weinstein, also of Sandpipers, who had swum the fastest time (16:22.78) in previous heats.
Ledecky and Grimes are now 1-2 in the world rankings for the 2021-22 season so far.
2katigrimesusa15: 51.3604 / 303Libingjiechn15: 58.4309 / 224anastasiiakirpichnikovarus15: 59.1512 / 115simonquadarelaita15: 59.3204 / 11View Top 15 »Womens 200 Metyled Finals Final Record 2: 08.32 A: 2:12.98 SwimSwam preview: W200 IM
Alex Walsh, Virginia 2:07.84 Leah Hayes, Fox Valley Park 2:09.99 Beata Nelson, Wisconsin Aquatics 2:11.80 Mackenzie Looze, Indiana University 2:13.28 Isabelle Odgers, Unattached 2:15.33 Sara Stotler, Tennessee 2:15.40 Abby Hay, University of Louisville 2:16.30 Teagan ODell, Irvine Novaaquatics 2:17.62
The women’s 200 IM final was full of twists and intrigue. Beata Nelson set the tone on the butterfly leg, turning at 27.34 and leading Alex Walsh by three tenths before the backstroke. Walsh led the pack in the middle 100 yards, with a 32.6 back and 36.8 chest. She also came home with the fastest freestyle, a 30.76. Walsh’s latest time of 2:07.84 took half a second off the US Open record, which Kathleen Baker set in 2018.
In the battle for second place behind Walsh, Leah Hayes moved from third in the 50 wall to second in the 100 after outscoring Nelson by one second, 33.0 to 34.0, on backstroke. She was 1.6 seconds faster in the breaststroke. Hayes held on for the final 50 yards and finished in second place at 2:09.99, becoming the first 15-16-year-old girl in United States history to clear the 2:10 barrier. In her post-race interview, the new national age group record holder shared an overwhelming sense of joy at being part of her first World Championship team.
Walsh and Hayes now lead the world 200m individual medley rankings for the current season.
2LeahHayesUSA2:09.9904/303YitingYuCHN2:10.1209/224AnastasiaGorbenkoISR2:10.4304/115YeShiwenCHN2:10.5109/22View Top 15» Men’s 200 Meter Individual Medley World Record: 1:54.00: World Record 1:54.56 World Record:1 Junior (Ryan Lochte) 57.06 Haiyang Qin (2017) FINA A cut: 1:59.76 SwimSwam Preview: M200 IM
Chase Kalisz, Athens Bulldog Swim Club 1:56.21 Carson Foster, Texas 1:56.65 Sam Stewart, Unattached 1:57.70 Trenton Julian, Unattached / Destin Lasco, Unattached 1:58.42 Jake Foster, Texas 1:58.64 Grant House, Unattached tie 1:59.23 Kieran Smith, Florida 1:59.83
Trenton Julian took an early lead from lane 5, clocking a 24.54 butterfly step to lead second-placed Grant House by three tenths. Carson Foster was in third place, another tenth behind House.
Foster took the lead in the backstroke leg, sharing a 29.15. Chase Kalisz moved from sixth to third on the backstroke, then edged everyone else by at least a full second in the breaststroke with 32.7 to head into the final 50 yards in first place. Foster was second, seven tenths behind Kalisz. Sam Stewart took third place after his 33.7 breaststroke heat.
As they raced for the finish, Kalisz was far enough ahead to hold on to the lead, even though Foster made up two-tenths of his deficit. Kalisz clocked 1:56.21 to set the second fastest time in the world so far this year. Fosters 1:56.65 ranks second.
Sam Stewart held onto third place at 1:57.70. Destin Lasco had a solid halfback and went from sixth to tied Julian for fourth at 1:58.42.
Kalisz and Foster have placed second and fourth in the world so far this year.
2ChaseKaliszUSA1:56.2104/303ShunWangCHN1:56.3309/244CarsonFosterUSA1:56.6504/305ShaineCasasUSA1:56.7004/02View Top 25» Men’s 800m Freestyle Fastest World Record: 7:32.12 Lin Zhang (2009) American Record: 7:41.8 Fin) 7:44.57 Zane Grothe (2018) Junior World Record: 7:45.67 Mack Horton (2013) FINA A cut: 7:53.11 SwimSwam Preview: M800 Free
Bobby Finke, Florida 7:43.32 Charlie Clark, Ohio State 7:50.07 David Johnston, Texas 7:54.40 Ross Dant, NC State 7:56.06 Tyler Watson, Florida 7:56.44 Alex Enyeart, TST 7:58.68 Matthew Chai, Fullerton 8: 03:44 Will Gallant, NC State/Joey Tepper, Tennessee 8:04.65
Olympic champion Bobby Finke broke the US Open record and was just 3.5 seconds off his US record with a dominating time of 7:43.32 in the fastest run of the 800 freestyle.
David Johnston was the first out of the parachute; he held the lead on the 150, turning at 1:25.23. Alec Enyeart was in second place behind Johnston for the first 100 yards, but Finke passed him at the 150 wall and came within 0.02 of Johnston. Finke was in first place by half a body length already at the 200 wall, and he built his lead by about half a second every 50.
Halfway through it was still Finke, Johnston and Enyeart, but Charlie Clark had started to move and was hovering in fourth place. Clark replaced Enyeart in the 450. He then passed Johnston at the wall in the 600 and for the next 200 meters continued to pull away from the rest of the field.
Finke also shared his 800, going 3:51.6/3:51.6. Clark split his in 3:55/3:54, taking 4.3 seconds off his entry time to finish second in 7:50.07.
Johnston held onto third place, improving his time by 3.5 seconds to pass 7:54.40.
Finke is currently ranked third in the world for the 2021-22 season.
2FlorianWellbrockGER7:43.1004/123BobbyFinkeUSA7:43.3204/304FelixAuboeckAUT7:45.3204/125Gregorio PaltrinieriITA7:46.0104/11View Top 24” Womens 50 Meter Freestyle Finals World Record: 23.67 Sarah Sjostrom Record (2017) US Open Record: 23.97 Simone. Manuel (2018) Jr World Record: 24.33 Rikako Ikee (2017) FINA A Cup: 25.04 SwimSwam Preview: Free W50
Torri Huske, Homeless 24.50 Erika Brown, Tennessee Aquatics 24.52 Gretchen Walsh, Virginia 24.53 Claire Curzan, TAC Titans 24.55 Kate Douglass, Virginia 24.67 Abbey Weitzeil, California 24.75 Natalie Hinds, Homeless 24.97 Gabi Albiero, University of Louisville 25.22
It was a photo-finish at the end of the women’s 50 freestyle, with the top four finishers at the wall within 0.05 of each other. Torri Huske got the touchline to win by 0.02 over Erika Brown, 24.50 to 24.52. Brown, in turn, was 0.01 faster than Gretchen Walsh and 0.03 faster than Claire Curzan.
Not far behind them were Kate Douglass (24.67) and 2020 Olympian Abbey Weitzeil (24.75). Natalie Hinds (24.97) and Gabi Albiero (25.22) completed the championship final.
Men’s 50m freestyle finals
Caeleb Dressel, Gator Swim Club 21.29 Michael Andrew, MA Swim Academy 21.45 Brooks Curry, Tennessee Aquatics 21.84 Ryan Held, NY Athletic Club 21.85 David Curtiss, NC State / Hunter Armstrong, Ohio State 22.00 Jack Alexy, Independent 22.13 Danny Krueger, Texas 22.35
Caeleb Dressel won the men’s 50 freestyle in lane 5 in 21.29, improving 0.42 from his morning swim. Dressel had an explosive start and looked like he could win by half a body length, but Michael Andrew, who had set the fastest time of the morning, accelerated into his finish to close in on Dressel 0.16 to the touch.
Brooks Curry hit Ryan Held by 0.01, 21.84 to 21.85, for third place. There was a tie for fifth place as David Curtiss and Hunter Armstrong stopped the clock with 22.00.
Dressel and Andrew now rank #1 and #2 in the world so far this year.
2MichaelAndrewUSA21.4504/303JoshLiendoCAN21.6304/104HexinYuCHN21.6809/265KlimentKolesnikovRUS21.6904/27View top 24”
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