The ideal sleep time starting in middle age may be 7 hours
According to new research, about 7 hours of sleep is an ideal night’s rest, and sleep deprivation and excessive sleep reduce the ability to pay attention, learn new things, solve problems, and make decisions. Is related to.
Seven hours of sleep was also found to be associated with improved mental health. When people report sleeping in longer or shorter stints, they have more symptoms of anxiety and depression and worsen their overall health.
“But the reasons for sleep deprivation in the elderly seem complicated. This is influenced by the combination of our genetic makeup and the structure of the brain.”
Researchers in China and the United Kingdom have analyzed data from approximately 500,000 adults aged 38 to 73, who are part of the UK Biobank. This is a government-sponsored long-term health survey. Participants were asked about sleep patterns, mental health, and well-being and participated in a series of cognitive tests. Brain imaging and genetic data were available to nearly 40,000 study participants.
One of the reasons for the association between sleep deprivation and cognitive decline may be due to deep sleep confusion as the brain repairs the body from the damage of the day and integrates memory. Too little sleep is also associated with the accumulation of amyloid, an important protein that can cause brain tangles that characterize certain dementias. The study also stated that prolonged sleep time could be due to poor quality, fragmented sleep.
Dr. Raj Dasgupta, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, said that prolonged sleep was associated with cognitive problems, but it was entirely Was not clear. why.
“This sets the mark for future research and the quest for treatment,” said Dasgupta, who was not involved in the research. “As we get older, sleep is essential and we need as much as young people, but it’s hard to get.”
This study had some limitations. Participants only evaluated how long they slept in total, not other sleep quality measures such as night awakening. In addition, participants reported the amount of sleep and were not objectively measured. However, the authors said that the large number of people involved in the study meant that the conclusions were probably solid.
The authors said their findings suggest that it is important to have a consistent sleep of about 7 hours ideally.
This study showed an association between too much or too little sleep and cognitive problems rather than causes or consequences. Russell Foster, a professor at Oxford University and director of the Sir Jules Thorn Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute, who was not involved in the study, warned. He said the study did not take into account an individual’s health, and short or long sleep could be a sign of underlying health with cognitive problems.
He also said that taking an average of 7 hours as an ideal amount of sleep “ignores the fact that there are significant individual differences in sleep time and quality.” He said that increasing or decreasing sleep may be perfectly healthy for some people.
“It is regularly said that the” ideal “sleep nights of the elderly need to be seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. This belief is wrong in many ways. Sleep is like the size of a shoe. Not all in one size can be categorized, “thus” good sleep “can cause confusion and anxiety for many,” said the next book, Lifetime: A New Body Clock. Foster, author of Science, and how it revolutionizes your sleep and health, said.
“The amount of time we sleep, our preferred amount of sleep, and the number of times we wake up in the middle of the night varies greatly between individuals and with age. Sleep is dynamic and we all have different sleep patterns. Important. The thing is to evaluate what our individual is. There is a need. “
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