Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?Yes, here’s how
“Getting in shape” is one of the most common goals Personal trainer Listen to clients (really including you) and prospects saying they want.Whether they understand it or not, these people refer to restructuring, the act of changing your physique. Fat burning When Gain muscle at the same time. These people know what they want, that is, they want to lose fat and build muscle, but they often don’t know what they need to get there.
For body reconstruction, health Fitness Than typical The idea of ​​weight loss..
Many believe that true body reconstruction is not possible because of this conundrum. To reduce body fat, you need to consume less calories than you burn.But to Build muscle, You have to eat more calories than you burn. But your body is smarter than you trust it, and by paying attention to your diet (especially what you eat) and your workouts, you absolutely lose fat and at the same time muscle Can be increased.
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What is body composition?
Your body composition is the ratio of fat mass to lean body mass in your body. Body composition is sometimes used interchangeably with body fat percentage, but body fat percentage is only part of the overall composition of the body.
Lean body mass includes muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, organs, other tissues, and water. That is, everything except body fat is included. Depending on the method used to measure body composition, water may be displayed as a percentage of itself.
How is your body reconstructed?
Body remodeling refers to the process of changing the ratio of fat mass to lean mass. That is, it reduces body fat and increases muscle mass. The goal of body reconstruction is to lose fat, Gain muscle At the same time, it differs from the traditional approach of “bulking and cutting”, where you first deliberately put on a lot of weight (muscle and fat), then lose fat through a severe calorie deficiency, revealing the underlying muscles.
Forget about weight loss
Reconstruction of the body is not weight loss. It’s about fat loss. A body reconstruction plan allows you to maintain or gain weight at your current weight. Remember when you heard that “muscle is heavier than fat”? This is half true. Muscle is denser than fat..
It is your physique that changes, not your weight, during your body restructuring. As you reconstruct your body, you may notice changes in your body, such as a different overall look and fit. At the end of the body reconstruction program, you may gain weight, but you will lose weight.
For example, I’m exactly the same weight as before I started exercising and eating a healthy diet. But even though I’m wearing small clothes, my body muscles are stronger than before. I also feel much stronger than before I started the strength training program (an unaesthetic benefit to body reconstruction).So you can Discard the scaleBecause it does not distinguish between fat loss and muscle loss, weight loss is not the primary goal of body remodeling.
However, there is one caveat to consider. If you want to lose a lot of body fat but don’t want to gain too much muscle mass, you may lose weight in the long run.
Body reconstruction is a long game
Because you’re trying to do two things at once-losing fat and gaining muscle-you have a body restructuring plan Trendy diet.. Both healthy weight loss and healthy muscle gain take a long time on their own. Combine them and you’ll be in it for a long time. However, the slow and steady process of body reconstruction has sustainable consequences, so as long as you maintain those habits, you can enjoy your new physique.
How does body reconstruction work?
Reconstruction really results in your particular health and fitness goals. Unlike traditional weight loss methods, such as a very low calorie diet and a period of very intense aerobic exercise, there is no actual protocol for reconstructing the body.
There are basic guidelines to follow. To successfully change your body composition, you need the following:
How to lose fat
Fat loss ultimately results in calorie maintenance. To lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn. Aerobic exercise with a healthy diet, or a combination of aerobic exercise and resistance exercise, still stands as the best technique for fat loss-there is no way around science. Losing fat in a safe and sustainable way also means having a realistic goal and not depriving the body of the nutrients it needs- Eating disorders Not worth the risk.
How to build muscle
To build muscle, focus on two main factors: weight training and protein consumption. Strength training is essential for changing body composition-your muscles will not grow unless you challenge them.
In addition, you can’t build muscle without a surplus of calories, so to promote muscle growth, you need to consume more calories than you burn.All Major nutrients Importantly, protein is especially important for building muscle. Without enough protein, your body will have a hard time repairing broken muscle tissue during weight training.
In addition, research shows A high-protein diet helps reduce fat and build muscle at the same time. Studies show In other words, if you consume more protein than usual when you are deficient in calories, you will maintain lean body mass (also known as muscle mass) more than if you are deficient in calories without changing your protein intake. Useful for.
For those who already have a strength training program, they are increasing their protein intake and doing heavy weightlifting routines. Leads to improved body composition..
Episode 2: Calorie Cycling
It sounds confusing to eat less calories than you burn to lose fat, but you need to eat more calories than you burn to build muscle. When learning about the concept of calorie cycling, it’s actually pretty easy. That is, change your calorie and key nutrient intake to suit your goals for the day.
The first thing you need to do is understand your maintenance calories, or how many calories you burn on days when you don’t exercise. To find this number, you can consult a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, or other medical professional, or use an online calorie calculator. This is from Mayo Clinic Use the Mifflin-St. Jeor equationProfessionals consider it a gold standard.
On days of aerobic exercise, you need to burn enough calories to meet your maintenance count. Burning maintenance calories on aerobic exercise days ensures a slight deficiency to promote fat loss, but not as great as the body begins to use muscle tissue as fuel. I want muscle!
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On days when you do strength training for more than 30 minutes, consume more calories than you maintain, with a focus on protein. Add 5% to 15% to your maintenance calories, depending on how much muscle you want to build and how quickly you want to get it.
On days when you don’t exercise at all, eat slightly less than your maintenance calories-reduce that number by 5% to 10%. This number is called “rest day calories”.
Think of it this way: every day you burn new calories and your body has to decide what to do with those calories. Your body basically has three basic options: burn calories immediately as fuel, use them to repair and build muscle tissue, or store as fat.
If you are looking for changes in your body, you don’t want to store calories as fat. However, you want your body to use new calories to repair broken muscles during weightlifting training.
Therefore, because you get more calories (and protein) on weight training days, your body uses those calories and nutrients to promote muscle repair, or muscle growth. Also, on days of aerobic exercise or days when you don’t exercise because you want to use the fat your body already has as fuel, don’t use new calories as fuel and consume less calories.
By combining these two tactics, you can successfully reconstruct your body.
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The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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