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5 treacherous works of Hulk Hogan (and 5 more heroic deeds)


Hulk Hogan is most frequently mentioned as the most popular Babyface wrestler all the time during the height of Hulkamania in the 1980s and early 1990s WWE. However, he also worked as a heel for long periods of time, starting as a bad man in his early days and returning to them with the Hollywood Hogan running in the late 1990s. Strangely enough, he always acted with some kind of theft regardless of his declared suitability.

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As a result, over the course of his career spanning more than forty years, The Hulkster not only did some incredibly noble things, but also did some very treacherous works. Let’s take a look at some of his greatest and worst actions.

Treacherous 10: Low-heel heel on a tugboat

In 1990, Hulk Hogan was locked in a feud with a giant man known as Earthquake, which led to Earthquake Splash so devastated that he put Hogan in hospital.

During this period, fellow Tugboat Hogan urged the children to write letters to Hulkster, encouraging him to recover and defeat the earthquake. What did Tugboat get for his efforts to support his best friend? Hogan unofficially cast it out of the 1991 Royal Rumble.

Heroic 9: Surviving an earthquake

Despite Hulk Hogan’s future betrayal of his boat-friendly friend, Hulkster’s match against Earthquake in SummerSlam 1990 is a fun and surprising game. Here Hogan not only had to beat his seemingly unbeatable opponent, but also to deal with the multiple villains hanging around the ring.

Strangely, Hogan won the count rather than bothering his opponent completely, which is an amazing choice for Hogan’s match.

8 Treachery: Kevin Nash hit a baseball bat

Hulk Hogan wasn’t only a traitor when he was dressed in red and yellow – Hollywood Hogan couldn’t be trusted either. In Spring Stampede 1998, Hogan and Kevin Nash confronted Rudi Piper and The Giant in a baseball bat in a tycoon match, where Hogan Nash accidentally hit the bat during the match. However, after winning the match, Hogan Nash hit the bat again, albeit on purpose, this time.

Related: Hulk Hogan: Admittedly, 10 bleak things can only slide

This act of treachery will separate Kevin Nash from nWo and form a sub branch called nWo Wolfpac.

7 Heroic: Help the macho man

Despite Hogan’s charged relationship – both kayfabe and IRL – with Macho Man Randy Savage, Hulkster helped Macho occasionally. Take, for example, the main event at WrestleMania IV, where Savage Ted DiBiase took over for the vacant WWF Championship.

DiBiase fellow Andre the Giant was on the side of the ring, so Hulk Hogan made sure he was there too, just to keep the intervention to a minimum. Not to mention that Hogan interfered in favor of Savage. According to Hulk Hogan’s criteria, interfering with a friend’s match is the most heroic thing anyone can do.

6 Treacherous: leads a macho man to a heel turn

When Hulk Hogan and Macho Man formed the tag team Mega Powers, Hogan adopted Miss Elizabeth as his manager, causing Savage jealousy and possession of the property, eventually leading to their separation and subsequent classic match in WrestleMania V.

Savage obviously bears some blame, but Hogan is definitely a bad friend in this scenario. The man should have known that his best friend was stranger to his girlfriend.

Heroic 5: Help Miss Elizabeth

In The Main Event II, The Mega Powers faced the Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Boss Man) in a tag match, during which Randy Savage accidentally crashed in Miss Elizabeth. In one of his most selfless works, Hulk Hogan jumped out of the ring and carried Miss Elizabeth back.

This will also contribute to the Big Power blast, but Hogan’s concern about his boss’s girlfriend / best friend at a potential expense for a wrestling match is definitely a heroic act.

Treacherous 4: Eliminate justice and justice from the Royal Rumble

Sometimes it seems worse to be a friend of Hulk Hogan than to be a friend of a Hollywood Hogan gang. In 1992 Royal Rumble, Hogan suddenly found himself and suddenly got off the track by Sir Gasteis – which delighted many fans on the scene who were tired of the Holkamania law.

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Hulkster’s response to that was to throw a tantrum and help Ric Flair – Ric Flair – eliminate Sid from Rumble. Did you know that the role of Hogan heel actually occurred in 1992?

3 Heroic: Rescue Bob Backlund

It is a lesser known fact that Hulk Hogan started as a heel before eventually turning his face and encouraging children to pray, take vitamins, and raise giant men.

This face happened in 1984, when Bob Backlund was attacked by Wild Samoans and Hulk Hogan for the rescue, and the former helped in their fight. Hulkamania will soon be born, thanks to a common brand of Bob Backlund.

Treachery 2: Being the third man

At WCW’s Bash at the Beach in 1996, Sting, Lex Luger, and Macho Man took in the Invaders Strangers from Kevin Nash and Scott Hall with a mysterious third partner.

This mysterious partner turned out to be Hulk Hogan, who DQ made the match, knocked out Randy Savage, and announced the formation of nWo. It’s easily one of his most treacherous deeds, turning heels and betrayal not only the top three child interfaces of WCW after Hogan but also the betrayal of WCW itself.

1 Heroic: Resurrection cage match

The Doomsday Cage Match in WCW Uncensored 1996 is one of the most confusing and unwanted games of all time that completely undermines the WCW list with its entire heel, but the setting is very heroic.

Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage reformed the big powers not only to confront Rick Flair and Arn Anderson, but also members of The Dungeon of Doom, Tiny “Zeus” Lister and more. On paper, the company’s two best sides grappling against all odds in a ridiculously elaborate cage match is definitely a champion’s behavior.

Next: Hogan’s 10 most funky acts as a face

Next PAC vs Neville: Top 5 games in AEW (and Top 5 games in NXT)

About the author

Danny Geligievich is a writer and editor based in San Diego, California. Pop culture addict, his work has appeared in places like Spectrum Culture, Comics Bulletin and Loser City. After a few years in the rat race, he decided to return the glorious return to his independent roots to write about people in socks punching each other for TheSportster. His last name is a little easier to pronounce than it sounds.

More about Danny Djiljevic

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