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About 5% of adults may experience long-term loss of smell and taste after COVID-19

About 5% of adults may experience long-term loss of smell and taste after COVID-19


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People order take-out ice cream at an outdoor park in Beijing, China on May 28, 2022, after the recent COVID-19 outbreak banned dining in restaurants.Kevin Fryer/Getty Images
  • Most people recover their lost sense of smell and taste after COVID-19, but it may take time, according to new research.
  • However, about 5% of adults (an estimated 27 million) may experience long-lasting changes in these sensations after initial infection.
  • The researchers point out that the area of ​​the nose likely affected by SARS-CoV-2 has capabilities that most neural tissue lacks.
  • What most people report as loss of taste is actually loss of smell, and this is closely intertwined with our perception of taste.

One of the more disconcerting symptoms of COVID-19 is the loss of taste and smell, a symptom that can last for some time. One patient still has not regained the sense of smell 27 months after infection, according to a new study.

As Dr. Paolo Boscolo RizzoSaid medical news today:

“More than any other sense, both smell and taste refer to emotional and emotional levels. [an] experience. These sensations, such as ideas, images, and music, cannot be communicated through social networks, but sharing requires coexistence. Thus, loss of smell and taste negatively impacts quality of life as it deprives affected people of some daily enjoyment and social bonds. “

Dr. Boscolo-Rizzo editorial With the release of a new meta-analysis (study of other studies) examining how long such losses may last after acute SARS-CoV-2 infection.

This research BMJMore.

The World Health Organization has so far report There have been more than 572 million cases since the outbreak began, and many people have been infected multiple times. According to the study, 40% to 50% of those infected with COVID-19 report loss of smell and taste.

Researchers analyzed loss of smell and taste in 18 studies covering the experiences of 3,699 patients.

In line with these figures, the study authors found that approximately 5% of adult COVID-19 patients develop long-lasting changes in their sense of smell or taste after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and 15 million and 12 million I’m assuming adults experience it. Long-term loss of smell and taste.

The researchers also found that women were less likely than men to recover their sense of smell and taste, and patients who experienced more severe loss of smell and nasal congestion were less likely to recover their sense of smell quickly.

However, not all statistics paint a grim picture.

Good news for those waiting to restore their sense of smell and taste, study co-authors Professor Claire Hopkins Said MNT:

“This study shows that in six months, the majority of patients recovered from the loss of COVID odor.

Analysis of the study showed that after 6 months, 96% of individuals reported recovery of smell and 98% reported recovery of taste.

Professor Hopkins added that 2-year follow-up data, which has not yet been published, “suggests continued recovery.”

“Most of what we usually call tastes are actually smells,” he said. Dr. Simon Gainean ear, nose, and throat surgeon who is not involved in research or editing.

“The only things we can taste right in our mouths are salt, sweet, bitter, sour, UmamiThese are the only ones that have receptors on the tongue. Everything else is detected in the nose, from odor molecules that move from the back of the mouth to the back of the nose,” he explained. MNT.

“It’s very common to report that when you just lose your sense of smell, you also lose your sense of smell and taste.”
— Dr.simon gain

“Interestingly, COVID-19 also affects the basic taste sensations of the tongue, but less frequently and usually not permanently,” Gane said.

According to Professor Hopkins, “Sensitive olfactory tests show loss of taste in a small number of patients, but this is generally rare.”

Experts believe that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, affects the nasal, or olfactory, neuroepithelium.

Dr. Boscolo-Rizzo explained:

“The olfactory neuroepithelium is located at the roof of the nasal cavity and consists of olfactory sensory neurons and supporting cells that protect fragile sensory cells.”

“Olfactory neurons generate electrical signals that reach the olfactory cortex in the brain’s frontal lobe through numerous stations, returning the conscious perception of odors,” he said.

Professor Hopkins added that the cilia, or nasal hair-like projections, are “coated with receptors that bind and detect odors.”

Dr. Boscolo-Rizzo further elaborated that the neuroepithelium is likely involved in the loss of taste and smell due to COVID-19.

“The supporting cells of the olfactory neuroepithelium are highly enriched with ACE2 receptors, which are necessary for SARS-CoV-2 to enter the cells. Therefore, they are ideal targets for the virus. There are no ACE2 receptors.”

“But damage to supporting cells also affects neurons,” he added. Substances released from virus-infected supporting cells cause a decrease in the number of olfactory receptors in olfactory sensory neurons, leading to anosmia, or loss of the sense of smell. “

Fortunately, Dr. Boscolo-Rizzo adds:

“[T]The olfactory neuroepithelium has a remarkably unique property for neural tissue: its ability to regenerate. Therefore, even if it takes time, it is possible to restore the sense of smell. “
– Dr. Paolo Boscolo Rizzo

Dr. Boscolo-Rizzo noted that the pandemic has highlighted the importance of having a healthy sense of smell and taste that was “often forgotten and considered of secondary importance.”

“Research on olfactory disorders has historically been neglected not only by researchers, but also by funding groups,” Professor Hopkins argued. “Given the unprecedented number of patients with anosmia, [a] necessary, but also [an] Opportunity to increase research in this area. Many trials are currently underway around the world, which may lead to better outcomes for patients. “

He added that many research groups are testing new treatments in clinical trials, which could help treat both post-COVID-19 anosmia and other forms of post-viral anosmia. I got

“Those who control our destinies must recognize the importance of investing in both basic and clinical research in chemosensory. I hope it’s on the positive side.”




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