Fifth child in US tests positive for monkeypox: What parents need to know
As monkeypox continue to spread across the United States, number of children infected with the virus is also growing.
At least five children, including two each, have tested positive for monkeypox since July in Indiana and California.
Another case was reported in a non-US resident infant who was tested while traveling in Washington, DC. federal officials confirmed last month.
Children under the age of 8 are Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers ‘increased risk’ of developing more serious illness If infected with monkeypox, pregnant, immunocompromised, or with a history of atopic dermatitis or eczema.
Below, experts answer seven questions parents may have about monkeypox and how it affects their children as the number of cases across the United States continues to rise.
1. As a parent, how concerned should you be about monkeypox?
At this point in the outbreak, parents “do not panic” about the virus, according to Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News’ Chief Medical Correspondent and OB-GYN Board Certified Physician.
“Just like medical headlines, they need to be aware of what’s going on with this,” Ashton said. , Appropriate steps should be taken after discussing concerns with a pediatrician.”
2. How is monkeypox spread?
Monkeypox, also known as MPX, is spread primarily through direct skin-to-skin contact between people who have the virus and those who do not. Dr. Richard Murrayis a senior physician in pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital Boston and professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.
“It may be due to intimate contact,” Marie said. “It could also be from contact with someone in the family who has an unsuspecting lesion, and unfortunately the lesion touches another individual.”
The virus can spread when monkeypox patients use shared items such as towels, clothes and bed sheets, Marley said.
“If someone has MPX, they should be very careful about who and how they interact and how they interact with others to avoid spreading as much as possible. .
According to the CDC, monkeypox can also be spread through contact with the respiratory secretions of an infected person and through prolonged face-to-face contact.
“So far, it does not appear to be the primary transmission vector for this virus in the current epidemic,” Malley said. “But of course that’s one thing we need to monitor very closely.”
3. Should my family wipe down surfaces or avoid shared spaces like playgrounds?
Monkeypox is spread primarily through skin-to-skin contact, so parents shouldn’t be overly concerned at this point about infecting their children by touching doorknobs or shared toys in public places, Malley said. Ashton said.
“It’s still a possibility, but I don’t think it means you should worry about a parent or someone touching a doorknob, or going to the grocery store, or touching something on the street.” This is not considered very likely for MPX or most viruses to spread.”
Ashton said people living in areas with high rates of monkeypox infection may want to wipe surfaces as an extra precaution, adding, “Just as the virus remains on clothing, It could remain on gym equipment,” he said.
However, she added that hand washing is more important than wiping surfaces to prevent the spread of disease.
“Hand hygiene is paramount for any infection, not just monkeypox,” Ashton said.
4. How can I tell if my child has monkeypox?
Unfortunately, monkeypox symptoms can look like other viruses, including the flu and other rashes, so experts recommend seeking medical attention as soon as symptoms appear.
The illness usually begins with fever, headache, fatigue, chills, and muscle aches. However, unlike smallpox, monkeypox also causes swollen lymph nodes.
Infected people usually develop a rash on the face and other parts of the body within 1 to 3 days of the first symptoms, according to the CDC.
According to the World Health Organization, lesions, or rashes, begin as dark patches on the skin before progressing to fluid-filled bumps.
Murray said parents should seek medical attention if they have a different type of rash on their child’s body than they’ve had before.
“As we are now learning, the MPX rash can look very different in different individuals for reasons we don’t fully understand.” What the MPX rash looks like You really have to be careful.”
Monkeypox is diagnosed by examining lesions to see if the virus’ genetic material is present, Malley said.
5. Why are children at increased risk of monkeypox?
Experts aren’t sure, Malley said.
He explained that it could be due to their immune systems and the fact that “young children can be susceptible to viral infections.”
Marie says that in Africa, where monkeypox originated, the most severe but rare cases of the virus usually involve inflammation of the brain.
Ashton said there have been no monkeypox-related deaths in the United States so far, but it’s important to remain vigilant as the disease spreads.
“As the numbers grow, it’s not impossible, based on perfect mathematics, to die here in the United States,” Ashton said, adding that monkeypox has a “spectrum of severity” in terms of complications. “Monkeypox-related deaths have occurred in Africa.”
6. Is there a monkeypox vaccine for children?
Current vaccines for monkeypox are available for people 18 and older. However, the JYNNEOS vaccine can be offered to persons with known monkeypox exposure on a case-by-case basis through a special licensing process through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Antiviral drugs such as Tecovirimat are currently used to treat monkeypox, which is available for children.
Malley said more conventional treatments could also help treat patients experiencing pain from monkeypox lesions.
7. How can I protect my child from monkeypox?
According to Murray, the best thing parents can do for themselves and their children is to keep an eye out for the virus, but try not to panic.
“I think it’s highly unlikely that daycares, camps, or schools will be the primary focus of transmission for this virus, as we currently understand it,” he said. , it is important that we all be vigilant.”
Murray said it’s important for parents concerned about monkeypox to be aware of their children’s surroundings and avoid contact with anyone known to have monkeypox.
“Important for parents is that if they know someone in their environment, environment or family who is suspected of having MPX, that person should, of course, isolate themselves.” In fact, people diagnosed with MPX are being told they don’t want to take responsibility for the transmission, and they’re taking extra precautions.”
of CDC releases safety guidelines for monkeypox patientsurges people infected with the virus to “quarantine at home or elsewhere for the duration of their illness.”
Monkeypox lesions are considered infectious until completely crusted, according to Marie.
Arielle Mitropoulos and Cheyenne Haslett of ABC News contributed to this report.
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