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The head of the UN disaster office says Japan can play a role in reducing climate risks

The head of the UN disaster office says Japan can play a role in reducing climate risks


The head of the United Nations Office in charge of Disaster Management said Japan, as a disaster-prone country, could play a key role in helping other countries prepare to reduce the risks of climate change.

Mami Mizutori, head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, said in a recent interview with Kyodo News that Japan is one of the few countries that contribute official development assistance or official development assistance projects designed to help establish early warning systems in developing countries.

Mami Mizutori, head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, gives an interview to Kyodo News Agency in Geneva on October 10, 2022. (Kyodo)

The former Japanese diplomat said about 96 percent of government development aid related to disasters worldwide is dedicated to response and recovery after a disaster, while only 4 percent is used for risk reduction.

Mizutori said this equation needs to be undone, adding that “this is the only way to not destroy the catastrophe anymore.”

Japan has always been a strong advocate for prevention, given its experience with disasters such as the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami in 2011. The country has hosted all three United Nations Conferences on Disaster Risk Reduction held in 1994, 2005 and 2015.

According to UNDRR, while the number of disasters has nearly doubled since 2000, the resulting economic losses have tripled, mainly due to climate change. If no action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there could be a 40 percent increase in the number of disasters by 2030.

However, early warning systems, including alerts through forecasting services, and the rapid and efficient dissemination of disaster information, can reduce the mortality rate, and more resources should be devoted to creating such systems, Mizutori said.

The United Nations recently set a new goal of enabling every person on the planet to have access to an early warning system by 2027. Currently, only about half of the world’s countries have such systems. The proportion drops to 30 percent among the most vulnerable SIDS.

Mizutori said the guidelines on risk reduction adopted in 2015 are a “vision,” because they focus on risk prevention and not just on post-disaster relief.

Although biological risks, such as the global spread of viruses, were included in the guidelines, they remained unconcerned. She said the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting global health crisis had changed the situation.

“People have seen what happens when not enough is done in prevention, when an unprepared danger hits you, and it turns into a huge disaster,” Mizutori said.

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