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sitting too much?Take a 5 minute walk every 30 minutes for good health

sitting too much?Take a 5 minute walk every 30 minutes for good health


Small crossovers suggest that splitting up sitting time behind a desk with a five-minute walk every half hour is the optimal break for improving cardio-metabolic and mental health. It is shown in the results of research.

To combat the negative effects of sitting too much, “we tried to understand the bare minimum that someone has to do when it comes to exercise,” said lead author Dr. Keith M. Diaz. Medscape Medical News.

The researchers enrolled 11 adults in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who sat for 8 hours without a break (controls), or sat for 1 minute or 5 minutes every 30 minutes or every hour for 8 hours. compared health measures when taking a walking break.

When participants took a 5-minute brisk walk for every 30 minutes they sat, postprandial blood sugar spikes were reduced by 58% compared to sitting all day.Use insulin Injections and diabetes medications to control blood sugar levels,” says Diaz of the Center for Behavioral and Cardiovascular Health at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.

The maximal reduction in systolic blood pressure was observed with walking breaks of 1 minute every 60 minutes (-5.2 mm Hg) and 5 minutes every 30 minutes (-4.3 mm Hg). A drop of 4 to 5 mm Hg is what one would expect if someone exercised daily for her six months.

The key message is, “If you have a job or lifestyle that requires you to sit for long periods of time, we recommend taking a 5-minute walking break every 30 minutes. This can reduce your health risks.” It’s one of the behavioral changes, because you sit.”

“We need to consider higher frequency and longer rest periods (5 minutes every 30 minutes) when targeting. [blood glucose]lower doses may be sufficient [blood pressure] lower,” conclude the researchers.

“Science shows that just doing the exercise suggested for good health isn’t easy,” Diaz added. He emphasized. “Your body needs constant, regular movement. That’s the key here. Our bodies need regular exercise throughout the day to function properly or optimally.” Requires a typical “activity snack”.

A study by Andrea T. Durand and colleagues, also at Columbia University Medical Center, found that publish online Today’s Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise.

Research provides guidance for employers to create healthier workplaces

“Ultimately, I think we can make employers aware that sitting for long periods of time is an occupational hazard that needs to be addressed, and has gotten worse since COVID-19,” Diaz said. Told.

According to him, the study “provides clear guidance to employers on how to make their workplaces healthier, knowing that healthy employees are more efficient and productive employees.”

“Walking to break up your sitting time can make you feel better and feel more energized. At work, it may seem counterintuitive, but taking regular breaks can help. , can actually help you be more productive than working non-stop.”

Optimal break time and break frequency

The researchers aimed to determine the optimal duration and frequency of low-intensity walking breaks during a simulated 8-hour sedentary workday.

They recruited six men and women aged 45 years or older who were sedentary for 8 hours or more per day, based on accelerometer readings worn during the seven days prior to the start of the study from November 2018 to March 2020. 5 people registered.

Men and women had a mean age of 57 years and varied in ethnicity (white, black, Hispanic, other) and weight (normal weight, overweight, obese).

Most (91%) had normal glucose. Nearly half (46%) have normal blood pressure (< 120/80 mm Hg) で、18% は高血圧 (> 140/90 mm Hg or with antihypertensive drugs).

Participants completed five 8-hour test conditions in random order on separate days with a washout period between conditions.

While seated, participants were able to read and use their phones and computers. Walking breaks consisted of walking on a treadmill at 2 miles per hour (0% incline).

Participants had a standard breakfast followed by a standard lunch 4 hours later. They wore a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) and recorded their blood glucose levels every 15 minutes.

At baseline and 1 h before scheduled activity breaks, researchers measured participants’ blood pressure and participants reported their fatigue levels on a visual analogue scale.

At baseline, 4 hours, and 8 hours, participants assessed their mood (anger, confusion, depressionfatigue, tension, and vitality) and performed a ‘symbol-digit modality’ test to measure cognition.

Postprandial blood glucose spikes were significantly attenuated only in the sedentary state, which included a 5-min walking break every 30 min, compared with the sedentary state without rest (control).

During the four conditions with walking breaks, participants had significantly lower systolic blood pressure from baseline compared to the control condition (P. < .05).

Most participants (≥ 80%) reported being willing to take a 1- or 5-minute break from a sedentary state every 30 minutes or every hour over the long term.

Taking a 5-minute break after sitting for 30 or 60 minutes significantly improved fatigue and mood (especially vitality). After sitting for this long, the improvement was not very robust when we took a one-minute break.

Taking these breaks did not significantly improve cognitive scores.

Med Sci Sports Exerc. Published online on January 12, 2023. overview

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