A single earthquake can endanger the Millennium Leaning Tower
The Post has learned that the Millennium Tower, better known as San Francisco’s Leaning Tower, is in trouble if a single earthquake hits the city.
The building is located at 301 Mission St. , which is 545 feet high, has continued to tilt further and sink deeper to the west since 2015, despite the architects’ tireless efforts to keep the building elegant.
The multi-million-dollar-per-unit tower leans more than 29 inches at the corner of Fremont and Mission Streets—a half-inch deeper slant than previously revealed.
Consulting engineer Robert Pike, who specializes in geotechnical and earthquake engineering, blamed designer Treadwell & Rollo — a company Langan later acquired — for the foundation’s issues, citing a time crunch it was in during the 2008 market crash.
“There is a real possibility that after an earthquake, the building might be red flagged,” Paik told The Post of the Tower — a 58-story, 419-unit building completed in 2009.
When a building is red-flagged, it means that the structure has been rated so severely damaged that it is too dangerous for housing and entry to the property without written permission is prohibited by law enforcement.
Pike cites the Hayward Fault—a geologic area that lies primarily along the western base of the ridge on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay—as capable of producing devastating earthquakes.
A view of Millennium Tower on August 11, 2016 in San Francisco, Getty Images
“An earthquake could occur in the Hayward Fault in East Bay any day,” Pike said. “And even that Hayward earthquake… might be big enough to cause some big shakes to utility buildings in San Francisco, like the Millennium Tower. So I think that’s the long-term risk that homeowners actually at least temporarily have to relocate.”
In addition, Pyke made it clear that the tower will never level up.
And while a collapse is unlikely, since it would need to tilt “tens of feet” for that to happen, Pike said, if the edges of the tower were closer to 40 inches, elevators and plumbing would stop working, and residents would be forced out.
Pike said the current fix hasn’t worked and likely won’t because they switched from steel to concrete in their original 2005 build – making it heavier and harder to change.
“It turned out not quite right because the increase in the weight of the building was very effective. It was a third or more of what it was. And so the technical thing I did was overpressure the layer of Old Bay Clay that was below the layer of sand.”
The half-inch tilt was reportedly obtained while engineers dug under the sunken condominium earlier this year to support the weight of the tower – which was built on top of a former landfill – on its sides.
Pyke said that in order to prevent further tilting, he would abandon the current repair attempt, which he says has “a lot of uncertainties”.
Instead, he would drill holes (a cutting process that involves using a single-point cutter or a boring head to widen an existing hole in the workpiece) on the south and east side of the tower to remove some of the soil in the old tower. Bay Clay layer for leveling the building.
“Carefully!” Pike said.
“This is similar to what was done at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The continuous leveling will probably stop or slow down so much that it doesn’t matter, but if it continues, I might consider freezing Old Bay Clay!”
Meanwhile, project engineer Ron Hamburger, who is in charge of the building, told NBC in a statement that roof numbers are subject to the vagaries of weather and said data based purely on grounds is more reliable.
“We are quite confident that after the remaining design load has been transferred to the piers, there will be no further … movement of the roof to the west,” said Hamburger.
Sources 2/ https://nypost.com/2023/06/13/one-earthquake-can-put-the-leaning-millennium-tower-in-danger/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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