Barber Thurso raises £5,000 for Turkish earthquake victims
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Hallak of Thurso has raised thousands of pounds which he intends to transfer directly to the victims of the devastating earthquake that occurred in his home country of Turkey in February.
Ismail Dogrulmaz, who runs Diya Turkish barbershop on Princes Street named after his wife, has collected donations from his customers along with other locals and raised £3,910 which he will take to areas affected by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in the south-east. Türkiye near the Syrian border.
“I will be bringing the total amount up to £5,000 out of my own money to help people affected by one of the worst earthquakes ever,” Ismail said.
Ismail Dogrulmaz, who runs the Turkish hairdresser Derya in Thurso, shared some of the money he had collected for the earthquake victims. He will travel to Turkey with his wife and distribute the donated money, along with some of their own money, to the families affected by the disaster. Photo: DGSI Ismail Dogrulmaz with his wife Derya at the barbershop in Thurso. Photo: DGS
“People have lost everything. They don’t have any homes, they don’t have anything to eat. In Turkey, if you don’t have any money, you won’t survive. I will go around the affected areas and look for people who desperately need help, maybe five or ten families,” And share the money with them.”
Ismail says the money came mainly from his loyal clients and “a lot of retired ladies” who felt the impact of the plight of the affected people and donated to his appeal. He says the money poured in, without him having to do much advertising, because word of mouth was shared in the tight-knit community.
“Many people in the affected areas are struggling and have nothing. We are just going to partner with these people.”
Doria echoed her husband’s words and said that many people were left without homes and jobs and had no way to support themselves. “We are both going to support these people. From day one we have been helping our families there,” she said.
Ishmael and his wife Deria get a haircut for brothers Chase and Jax at their shop in Thurso. Photo: DGS
“We want the money to go to the people who really need it the most and we will go there to look for them. There are a lot of women left without husbands and without homes. These are the people we really love to help in the southeast. A lady in the earthquake killed my cousin.” .
“Some of our friends have lost their families,” Ismail added. “Some of the buildings were not strong enough for earthquakes. We will go to the affected areas directly and it will be difficult.”
Derya Turkish barber shop in Thurso has many loyal customers who have supported the appeal. Photo: DGS
They say that the money will go for food, water, clothes, furniture and any other necessary things. The couple said they want to thank everyone who donated to their appeal and will travel to Turkey next month to distribute the aid.
Nearly 60,000 people were killed in southern Turkey and northern Syria when two massive earthquakes struck on February 6. Many others have been injured and displaced as thousands of buildings have collapsed, either completely or partially. The United Nations estimates that 4.7 million people in rural Turkey, or Turkey as the government prefers, struggle to get enough to eat.
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