What is the Atlantic Diet? What is the Mediterranean diet?
A new study suggests that the “Atlantic” diet may compete with the Mediterranean diet for top honors when it comes to healthy food choices. The two are similar in many ways.
research in JAMA network open People who followed this diet for six months said it lowered their cholesterol, reduced belly fat, and addressed symptoms of metabolic syndrome such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides. All of these factors increase your risk of heart disease.
daily health The Atlantic Diet is what researchers call the eating pattern popular in northwestern Spain and Portugal, the researchers said.
“Similar to the Mediterranean diet, the Atlantic diet relies on locally sourced, fresh, seasonal ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes (dried beans, lentils, and chickpeas), fish, dairy products, and olive oil used in dressings. “The emphasis is on consuming food. And cooking,” lead researcher Mar Calvo-Malvar said in the article. “However, the Atlantic diet typically contains more fish, milk, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables than the Mediterranean diet.”
One of the touted benefits of this study is that it proves that the taste of local cuisine is compatible with a healthy diet, and that specific choices are determined by what is available and popular. .
“This is an important study that confirms that the principles of the traditional Mediterranean diet (which has been the most intensively studied) can be applied to other cultures,” said Walter, a nutrition researcher and professor of epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard University.・Dr. Willett said. said T.H. Chan School of Public Health and professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston. CNN on mail. He was not involved in the study.
According to CNN, “Like the Mediterranean diet, the Atlantic diet focuses on home-cooked meals served family-style and emphasizes social interaction between friends and family. Eating mindfully, Socializing while eating and daily walking or cycling are the cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet and are considered to be as important, if not more important, than the food you eat.”
Some of the foods included in the Atlantic diet are: USA Today:
- Olive oil.
- fresh seasonal vegetables.
- Fresh seasonal fruits.
- bread.
- grain.
- pasta.
- potato.
- milk and cheese.
- fish and seafood.
- Red meat, beef, pork.
- egg.
- Nuts, especially almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, and hazelnuts.
- Dried peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas are known as legumes.
USA Today says, “With its emphasis on starches, the Atlantic diet may be more appealing to some people. Red meat is also generally avoided in the Mediterranean diet, but eaten in moderation in the Atlantic diet. The Atlantic diet focuses on preparing food both in ways that increase its nutritional value, such as stewing, and in ways that encourage communal eating, so it also influences how it is prepared and served. It’s more important.”
Early research has found that a version of the Atlantic diet called the “Southern European Atlantic diet” reduces all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer deaths in people in southern, central, eastern, and western Europe. According to a paper published in December, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
Some dietary critics say that dairy products, potatoes, and red and processed meats increase health risks.
The study authors note that the plant-based, locally sourced Atlantic diet is well aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
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