An inside look at the newly renovated Quake: The Big One at Universal Studios Hollywood
July 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the world-famous Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood, which remains one of the most unique and captivating attractions in the world.
While the rich history of the Universal Studios backlot gives the studio tour an engaging touch of movie magic in its own right, the smaller attractions within the approximately 60-minute experience give guests an idea of what it's like inside the movies and play an undeniable role. An unforgettable role in the Studio Tour experience, many of these smaller attractions have become classics in their own right.
As part of the Studio Tour's 60th anniversary celebration, Earthquake: The Big One recently underwent a renovation to modernize the attraction so it can continue to entertain guests for years to come.
Given the popularity of practical effects-based attractions over screen-based attractions at a time when most guests are looking to escape screens during their vacation, Earthquake: The Big One, with its intense simulation of an 8.3 magnitude earthquake, remains one of the attractions. Highest rated on the studio tour.
Located inside Universal Backlot's Stage 50 — a two-level sound projection building specially designed for the attraction — Earthquake: The Big One opened in 1989, inspired by the 1974 Universal Studios film Earthquake. The attraction lasts for 90 seconds and requires just 30 seconds to fully reset in preparation for the next Studio Tour tram.
The story of Earthquake: The Big One ultimately stays the same, starting with a studio guide informing guests that they'll get a chance to see the “hot set” of a production designed to look like an underground San Francisco subway station up close. Suddenly, the Earth begins to… Vibration and everything inside the soundstage begins to collapse, including the second floor itself. Electrical power cables threaten guests on one side of the tram while an 18-wheeler tumbles to the ground on the other side, with seemingly non-stop chaos ensuing until a moment of calm is soon disturbed by the rush of 60,000 gallons of recycled materials. Water flows toward guests at the end of the experience.
Inside Universal was recently invited to a behind-the-scenes tour of Earthquake: The Big One led by Universal Vice President of Creative John Corvino to get an up-close look at some of the changes and improvements made to the attraction shortly before its reopening. As a disclaimer, the attraction was still under construction at the time of our visit, so the final product may look a little different from our photos by the time it officially reopens to the public.
“The earthquake has been around for a very long time and is very iconic, so one of the things we wanted to do is take a fresh look at it and say: What would happen if it happened today?”
While the essence of the experience – or more accurately, the breathtaking nature of the experience – remains the same, Quake: The Big One may at first glance look shockingly different to fans of the attraction with its updated art direction that aims to define the attraction in 2024 and not in the context of the 1974 film. The original green and beige stucco look is gone in favor of a more modern blue and white color scheme meant to represent the fictional “Universal Mass Transit” transit company, combined with new and updated tiles, arches, logos, graphics and props. Really sell the premise that this stage could be a “hot set” that Universal Studios wants to show guests today.
Among other new details that fans may notice, the production facility's props have been upgraded from ancient film cameras and lighting to more modern technology, electric bike drop-off stations have been added to mirror those typically found in subway stations today, and a stolen bag has been added. There is a wad of cash in front of the ticket machine as part of the story of the film that is supposedly in production at Soundstage 50, the truck that plummets from the second floor now runs on hydrogen, and, most notably, several new and completely original posters designed by the project team on the walls of the subway station.
It's also been noted that throughout the attraction – on several new posters in particular – there are several Easter eggs honoring the team that built the original Quake: The Big One. For example, up close fans can see a street map containing some familiar names from Universal Creative's history.
The iconic subway car that crashes near guests has also gotten an upgrade, with all-new skins and updated paint that matches the new color scheme of the subway station set.
On top of all the visual changes made to the attraction, the main part of any themed entertainment show is undoubtedly the sound, as noted by Corvino who stated that “sound is about 60% of every experience.” Although you'll need to ride the studio ride to notice it for yourself, the attraction's sound system has been completely redesigned. The original soundtrack will still be used but has been greatly improved so that the overall experience becomes more powerful, especially combined with the updated lighting and practical effects in the already claustrophobic environment.
Although it may now look dramatically different on the surface as the 60th anniversary of the Studio Tour approaches, the creative team has done an excellent job of striking a good balance between honoring Earthquake: The Big One's past that made it one of the most successful and popular attractions on the tour. studio, making the experience more modern for guests after it gets the attention it needs.
As mentioned earlier, many of the most popular attractions with guests are the ones that are more physically immersive, which doesn't come as a huge surprise since experiences like Earthquake: The Big One tie directly into Universal Studios Hollywood's DNA of going behind the scenes of movies and showing How the filmmaking process really works.
Thanks again to Universal Studios Hollywood and Vice President of Universal Creative John Corvino for giving us an inside look at the changes made to Earthquake: The Big One, which will be reopening to the public soon.
Stay tuned to Inside Universal to learn more about how Universal Studios Hollywood is planning to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Studio Tour, the latest news about Universal Parks & Resorts, and follow our forums and discussion boards.
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