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Los Angeles shares key similarities with area hit by Taiwan earthquake – NBC Los Angeles

Los Angeles shares key similarities with area hit by Taiwan earthquake – NBC Los Angeles


Taiwan was hit on Wednesday by its strongest earthquake in a quarter-century, with strong tremors in an area that shares at least a key resemblance to Los Angeles.

At least nine people were killed and hundreds more injured. The strong shaking damaged buildings and highways, and train service was halted.

Just like Southern California, Taiwan is no stranger to strong earthquakes. But experts say the toll on the high-tech island's 23 million residents has been relatively contained thanks to its excellent earthquake preparedness.

Here's a closer look at Taiwan's earthquake history and key similarities to Los Angeles.

Similarities between earthquakes in Taiwan and Southern California

Taiwan is one of the most active earthquake zones in the world, with about 10 times as many earthquakes as California.

There is at least one striking similarity between Southern California and the shaking site in eastern Taiwan from Wednesday's powerful earthquake. The area is a basin with a large city, and what lies beneath that populated area is what seismologists are interested in.

“It's basically a big bowl of loose sediment that can increase shaking, just like Los Angeles,” seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones said. “That's something we're concerned about here.”

The intensity of shaking resulting from an earthquake depends largely on the geology. Earthquakes may produce smaller or larger seismic waves, depending on the different soil types encountered as those waves travel.

A USGS image shows the location of the earthquake and aftershocks Wednesday, April 3, 2024, in eastern Taiwan.

The fault in the Taiwan earthquake is a thrust fault, which means one side of the fault moves up and over the other side. In the ocean, water is violently displaced, which can cause a tsunami.

The devastating 6.7 magnitude San Fernando/Sylmar earthquake in 1971 and the devastating 6.7 magnitude Northridge earthquake in 1994 were caused by thrust faults.

“It looks like the fault ran through the city,” Jones said. “The only collapsed buildings I've seen are in Hualien. Some of them may actually be in a place where the ground beneath the building, one side of it is now 10 feet higher compared to the other side. No building stands through that.”

Some buildings bent at a 45 degree angle, and their ground floors were destroyed. Just over 93 miles away in the capital, Taipei, tiles fell from ancient buildings, and schools evacuated their students to sports fields, outfitting them with yellow safety helmets. Some children covered themselves with school books to protect themselves from falling objects as the aftershocks continued.

The area near Hualien is very mountainous, so it is also prone to landslides. About a dozen slides have been reported after the main earthquake and aftershocks.

Taiwan's earthquake monitoring agency said the quake measured 7.2, while the US Geological Survey said it measured 7.4. It struck about 11 miles from Hualien City and was about 21 miles deep.

Hualien City was last hit by a deadly earthquake in 2018, which killed 17 people and collapsed a historic hotel. The worst earthquake to hit Taiwan in recent years occurred on September 21, 1999, with a magnitude of 7.7, killing 2,400 people, injuring about 100,000, and destroying thousands of buildings.

At least nine people were killed and hundreds injured when a major earthquake shook the entire island of Taiwan early Wednesday.

Why are there so many earthquakes in Taiwan?

Taiwan lies along the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” the seismic fault line surrounding the Pacific Ocean where most of the world's earthquakes occur.

The region is particularly prone to earthquakes due to the accumulated tension from the interactions of tectonic plates, the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, which can lead to sudden releases in the form of earthquakes.

The region's mountainous landscape can cause the ground to shake, triggering landslides. Many of these landslides occurred on Taiwan's east coast near the epicenter of Wednesday's quake near eastern Hualien County, when falling debris hit tunnels and highways, crushing vehicles and causing several deaths.

Strong aftershocks are likely to continue over a wide area.

“At 7.4, the fault will be about 100 miles long,” Jones said. “So, all of Taiwan has this somewhat increased risk. Maybe, a few hundred miles away, around this location, there is an increased risk.”

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The Taiwan Seismological Agency said that the strength of Wednesday's earthquake reached 7.2 degrees, while the US Geological Survey estimated its strength at 7.4 degrees. The typhoon damaged several buildings in Hualien, but caused only minor damage in the capital, Taipei, although it was felt strongly there.

“They have very good building codes (in Taiwan), but when the fault goes through the building, there's not much you can do,” Jones said.

The quake occurred in the middle of the morning rush hour, but slightly derailed the normal commute. Just minutes later, parents were once again taking their children to school, and workers were driving to their offices.

The government constantly reviews the level of earthquake resistance required for new and existing buildings – which may increase construction costs – and offers subsidies to residents who want to verify their buildings are earthquake-resistant.

Following the 2016 earthquake in Tainan, on the island's southwest coast, five people involved in the construction of a 17-storey high-rise apartment building that was the only major building to collapse, killing dozens, were found guilty of negligence and jailed. camel.

“Taiwan’s earthquake preparedness is among the most advanced in the world,” said Stephen Gao, a seismologist and professor at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. “The island has implemented stringent building codes, a world-class seismic network, and extensive public education campaigns on earthquake safety.”

Taiwan also conducts earthquake drills in schools and workplaces, while public media and mobile phones regularly carry notices about earthquakes and safety.

“These measures have greatly enhanced Taiwan's earthquake resilience, helping to mitigate the potential for catastrophic damage and loss of life,” Gao said.

Taiwan earthquake history

Taiwan and its surrounding waters have recorded about 2,000 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater since 1980, and more than 100 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 5.5, according to the US Geological Survey.

The worst earthquake the island has witnessed in recent years occurred on September 21, 1999, with a magnitude of 7.7. It caused the death of 2,400 people, injured about 100,000, and destroyed thousands of buildings.

The last deadly earthquake to hit Hualien County occurred in 2018, causing a historic hotel and other buildings to collapse.

“Unfortunately, this high level of seismic activity will continue for millions of years to come,” Gao said. “This underscores the importance of preparedness and resilience in the face of ongoing seismic risks.”




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